there are no beliefs except for that there is a moon goddess
One of their beliefs is that they have one supreme god.
Ancient scholars such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, and later on, Eratosthenes believed that the Earth was a sphere. They based their beliefs on observations of the Earth's shape and movements, as well as mathematical and geometric principles.
Ancient earth? No they have not left proof, but some people claim of Anal Probes.
they believed that mother earth was a giant monster
Some people may believe the Earth is square due to misinterpretation of ancient beliefs or satire. However, scientific evidence and observations from space clearly show that the Earth is an oblate spheroid, not a square.
They were similar because they both shared some beliefs such as myths and gods and goddesses
Most people in Bolivia are Christians - a mix of Catholicism, and several protestant denominations. In some cases, the beliefs and practices are also mixed quite a lot with ancient (pre-Christian) customs. Thus, for example, there is a certain amount of devotion to the "Pachamama" - the Mother Earth.
Hinduism grew out of the ancient beliefs of the Aryans.
They were polytheistic and believed in the same gods as the ancient greeks, they just changed the names.
There are a number of understood scientific beliefs. Some of these include the theory of evolution, as well as the theory that gravity is holding us on earth.