In Christianity, the concept of unforgivable sins varies depending on interpretation. Some believe that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable, while others believe that all sins can be forgiven through repentance. Ultimately, it is up to an individual's beliefs and relationship with God.
.Catholic AnswerThe sins against the Holy Spirit - the unforgivable sins (they are unforgivable because when you commit this sins, you do not think you need to ask for forgiveness or you despair of receiving it) are: Sins against the Holy GhostPresumption of God's mercyDespairImpugning the known truthEnvy at another's spiritual goodObstinacy in sinFinal impenitence
2 things Shirk [to include someone in the oneness of Allah] and Kuffar [disbelief]
Roman Catholic AnswerCertainly Catholics believe in lust, it is one of the capital sins and has its own paragraphs in the Catechism. They are called "capital" sins because they engender other sins and vices.
Yes, but technically, we confess our sins to God through the priest.
Of course, the only sins which cannot be forgiven are the unforgivable sin which is the sin against Hope (the second of the Cardinal Virtues). The sins against hope which cannot be forgiven are presumption and despair.The former is akin to the Protestant theory that once you are "saved" you cannot do anything to lose your salvation. That is presumption and is unforgivable as you don't think you need forgiveness.The latter, despair, is unforgivable as you don't think you can be forgiven for whatever reason: you think you have committed too many sins, or too horrible a sin, or whatever.The sins against hope cannot be forgiven for the simple reason that you cannot be contrite and ASK for forgiveness. God will forgive ANYTHING as long as we repent of it - which is not just being sorry for it, but trying not to do it again.Sins which we have not yet done cannot be forgiven until AFTER we do them, and repent of them. But all mortal sins can be forgiven as long as we confess them and repent. It is only when we are not contrite and repentant that we cannot be forgiven.
By forgiving them their sins, even as they forgive you for yours.
Jesus Christ forgives the sins of anyone who believes and asks for forgiveness.
Catholics must confess their sins to a priest as this is the only normal way in which Our Blessed Savior left for people to have their sins forgiven. Less serious sins (venial sins) may be forgiven with a good Act of Contrition and Holy Communion. Serious sins (mortal sins) may only be forgiven at Confession. Besides the Church requires that all adult Catholics must go to confession at least once a year, even if they have not committed any mortal sins. Any good Catholic who is sincerely trying to fall Christ and become perfect (Matthew 5:48) should be going to regular confession, weekly or at the least, every other week.
No, christians also confess their sins to the one and only true god, the god of Abraham and Jacob. Hope you enjoy ;-)
Yes, but we will be too happy to be embarrassed.