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Q: What do you need to create lift?
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What is the difference between a helicopter creating lift and anairplane creating lift?

the difference between an helicopter creating lift and an airplane creating lift is simple. an airplane creates lift by moving forward and its wing that has an aerofoil shaped will create lift. this gives the lift for the airplane and to fly. for helicopters, instead of the aerofoil is fix like an airplane, the aerofoil wing is rotating and create lift. that is why the helicopter does not need to move forward to gain momentum to create lift. by rotating the aerofoil (the blade) the helicopter can creates enough lift to lift up the helicopter.and that's how it fly..

Which parts of the plane create lift?

The wings and horizontal tail surfaces create lift.

What makes airplane fly?

Lift! The wings on a plane create an upward lift.

In what way does the take off of a helicopter differ from that of an aeroplane?

While airplanes need to be in motion with enough momentum to create enough airspeed for lift off, helicopters can lift off vertically without any momentum of the aircraft. Both aircrafts need a rotary wing. Helicopter wings are rotary and have the capabilities to change the angle or pitch in order to create more or less lift. Airplanes have rotary and fixed wings.

Why do snowmobiles need a lift?

Snowmobiles only need a lift if they need to be worked on. If you need to put a new engine into your snowmobile you would need to have a lift to be able to get under it and work. If you need to check your traction same goes for needing a lift to look under it.

What force is used to fly a plane?

Thrust and lift are required to make a plane fly. A plane can use just lift if it is in the air already. The engines create thrust (if the aircraft has engines), and the wings create lift. Helicopters make lift by pushing air down, though.

Can a airplane stop in the air without falling?

Aircraft using fixed wings need to maintain a certain airspeed over the wing to create lift. Aircraft like the AV-8 Harrier and the new F-35 Lightning II point exhaust from the engine downward to create lift at low airspeeds.

How does a firefly create lift?

i guess they are just made that way

What is the function of down on pigeons?

To create lift and flight direction.

Why is lift important in flight?

Because the plane has to overcome the force of gravity and it has wings to create lift to make the aircraft fly.

Why drag increases as lift increase - for helis?

The production of lift creates induced drag. To create more lift, more airspeed is needed, and with airspeed, comes drag.

How does a helicopter achieve lift?

By spinning its rotors to create downward thrust.