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The Lord told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh. The Lord wanted

Jonah to tell the people of Nineveh that they were doing bad things---things

against God.

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Q: What does God tell Jonah to do?
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Who did God tell to go to nineveh and preach?

Jonah. You can google the verses as well

Whom did God tell to go Nineveh?


Why do Christians tell their children about Jonah and the big fish?

Like all Bible stories we can learn something from Jonah about God and man. From the story of Jonah we can see: God is sovereign, God is patient with mankind, God is long suffering, mankind is indifferent to the suffering of others, mankind is not obedient to God

Who are the main Characters in Jonah?

The main person's in Jonah are God and Jonah.

What are some Bible verses about the beach?

when God asks Jonah to go to another part of israel and tell the people to stop sinning.after the fish had spat jonah out he was on the beach

Who sepent three days inside a whale?

Jonah. God told him to go to Ninevah and preach but Jonah ran from God, he boarded a ship bound for a far away place so God sent a storm and Jonah was thrown overboard. It wasn't Jonah's time to die so god sent a whale to swallow Jonah, Jonah spent three days inside the whale praying to God for forgiveness so God had the whale spit Jonah onto shore and Jonah went to preach the gospel in Ninevah as God had commanded.

Is vampire exist in earth?

No vampires do not exist. I'm saying only God exists. Here's a little story. There once was a man named Jonah. One day God called him to go to Ninava a tell people about God but Jonah didn't. Then, Jonah got on a boat and sailed in the exact opposite direction because he thought that he could escape God. But God knew where Jonah was and sent a storm which lasted for about 14 days. No one ate or drank. Jonah knew that the storm was his fault so he told the crew to throw him overboard. They pleaded that there must be a different way but Jonah refused. Then, they threw him overboard and immediately the storm stopped. Then God sent a big whale and it swallowed Jonah up. For 3 days, Jonah was in that fish and then, after 3 days, the fish spat him out onto the shore. Then, Jonah obeyed God and went to Ninava and preached about Jesus. I know this story dosen't tell you much about vampires but you can get a lot more stories like this in the Holy Bible. You can go to any Christian book store and ask for a Bible. I really lie the stories and I hipe you will too!

What is Jonah from The Bible about?

Jonah was told by God to go to a place called Ninevah where the people were terrible. God wanted Jonah to speak to them and help them see that they needed to change their ways. But, Jonah decided not to go so God had a giant fish, sometimes said to be a whale, swallow Jonah to teach him a lesson. Don't worry, Jonah lived.

Who was in jonah's family?

God was Jonah's father and Marry was his mother and Moses was his brother

Who was the prophet that ran from God but God caught up with you?


When did God tell Jonah to go to Nineveh?

Jonah was sent to Ninevah in the period between 773-755BC.

Who was taught a lesson by God with a gourd plant?

Jonah. See the last chapter of the book of Jonah.