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the holy spirit

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Q: What does pentecost remember the coming of?
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What is the name for The coming of the holy spirit after Jesus resurrection?


What does Pentecost commemorate?

Shavuot (not "Pentecost") celebrates the Giving of the Torah.

What color robe does the priest wear at Pentecost?

Usually red. This is to symbolise the coming of the Holy Spirit in the flames of Pentecost as red is the colour that symbolises flame.

Why is trinity Sunday celebrated on the Sunday after pentecost?

Because on Pentecost, we celebrate the Coming Of the Holy Spirit, so on the following Sunday, we celebrate all 3 Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity.

How did the Catholic Church begin at Pentecost?

The Catholic Church began at Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit "like the rush of a mighty wind" on the Apostles in the upper room, read the second chapter of Acts.

What do Christians do to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles?

I am a member of a main line arm of Christianity and we do not celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. Perhaps others do?

Where was Roman Catholic created?

It was created in Jerusalem.Jesus himself instituted his church and he promised the coming of the Holy Spirit during the Pentecost.

When is the date of origin for Christianity?

The date for the origin of Christianity is Pentecost in 33 A.D. with the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.

What is the difference between the Jewish Pentecost and the Maltese pentecost?

A:The Jewish Pentecost or Shavuot, celebrated from the second century BCE onwards in memory of the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai, takes place fifty days after Passover. Numbers 11:25 says that on the day of the Jewish Pentecost, the spirit of God came down on the seventy elders and they began to prophesy in ecstasy. The 'Maltese' Pentecost is the Christian Pentecost and takes place fifty days after Easter, which originally coincided with the Passover. Acts of the Apostles says that on the day of Pentecost, everyone that was in the upper room, was filled with the Holy Spirit coming down on them as tongues of fire and the began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance. There are parallels to the earlier account in the story of the Christian Pentecost, which was probably inspired by the Jewish Pentecost.

What has the author A Panampara written?

A. Panampara has written: 'The pentecost' -- subject(s): Drama, Bible, Pentecost 'The Pentecost' -- subject(s): Drama, Salvation, Pentecost, Biblical teaching 'The pentecost' -- subject(s): Drama, Bible, Pentecost

Is the feast of the pentecost 50 days after Christmas?


What gifts did the apostles receive on pentecost?

the gift accepted from Jesus from the pentecost was the gift of the holy ghost the holy ghost is the promise Jesus gave us and it tells us that he will be back during the rapture and that he is coming back for his church the holy ghost is when god aka as Jesus speaks through us in different languages and that's how you know you have the gift og the holy ghost