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they symbolize the only One True God's power over all false gods. each pague targeted one of the main "gods" in Egypt at thet time. those "gods" were not really gods at all! There is only one God.

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16y ago
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13y ago

The 10 plagues were aimed at the gods of Egypt and were designed to give proof of the power of the God of Israel over the gods of Egypt.

1. Nile turned to blood was aimed at Khnum, the guardian of the Nile; Hopi, the spirit of the nile; and Osiris, the giver of life whose bloodstream was the Nile.

2. Frogs were aimed at Heqt, the god of resurrection, who also assisted women in childbirth and whose form was a frog.

3. Gnats and 4. Flies were not aimed at any particular god.

5. Plague on cattle was aimed at Hathor, the mother goddess whose form was a cow and Apis, the bull god who was the living personification of Ptah ( the creator god ) and the symbol of fertility.

6. Boils were aimed at Imhotep, the god of medicine.

7. Hail was aimed at Nut, the sky goddess; Isis, the goddess of life and Seth, the protector of crops.

8. Locusts was aimed at Isis and Seth again.

9. Darkness was aimed at Re, Aten, Aturn and Horus: all of whom were sun gods of sorts.

10. Death of firstborn was aimed at Pharaoh, who was considered a god; and Osiris, the giver of life.

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6y ago

God brought ten plagues upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians, to persuade Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt:

  1. Blood (waters turned to blood) [Exodus 7:19-25]
  2. Frogs [Exodus 7:26-8:11]
  3. Lice/Flies [Exodus 8:12-15]
  4. Gnats [Exodus 8:16-28]
  5. Strange Unknown Illness that Killed the livestock and cattle of the Egyptians [Exodus 9:1-7]
  6. Boils [Exodus 9:8-12]
  7. Hail [Exodus: 22-35]
  8. Grasshoppers/ Locust[Exodus 10:12-20]
  9. Darkness (for three days) [Exodus 10:21-29]
  10. Death of the firstborn [Exodus 12:29-33]
After the tenth plague, Pharaoh agreed to let the Israelites leave.

It is to be noted that none of the plagues affected the Israelites.


1. Blood (דָם): Ex. 7:14-25

2. Frogs (צְּפַרְדֵּעַ): Ex. 7:25-8:11

3. Gnats (כִּנִּים): Ex. 8:12-15

4. Flies (עָרוֹב): Ex. 8:20-32

5. Pestilence (דֶּבֶר): Ex. 9:1-7

6. Boils (שְׁחִין): Ex. 9:8-12

7. Hail (בָּרָד): Ex. 9:13-35

8. Locusts (אַרְבֶּה): Ex. 10:1-20

9. Darkness (חוֹשֶך): Ex. 10:21-29

10. Death of the Firstborn (מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת): Ex. 11:1-12:36

Jewish answer:

Exodus ch.7-12:

  1. The water in Egypt turned to blood
  2. Frogs swarmed over the land
  3. Lice (not "gnats") swarmed over the land
  4. A swarm of mixed animals (not just "flies") plagued the land
  5. The Egyptian livestock died of disease
  6. The Egyptians were afflicted with boils
  7. Crop-destroying hailstorms
  8. The land was overrun with locusts (not "grasshoppers")
  9. Three days of darkness
  10. Death of the Egyptian firstborn

(Exodus 7:19 - 12:30) Each of the plagues assaulted one of the gods of Egypt (Exodus 12:12). The first 3 plagues affected the Israelites too, but the rest were only on the Egyptians.

1. Blood. Turning the Nile(& all the waters of Egypt) into blood- disgraced the Nile god, Hapi, and when the fish died it slapped the Egyptian fish god.

2. Frogs, worshiped as the goddess Heqt brought disgrace to this goddess.

3. Gnats and

4. Gadflies invaded Egyptian homes , both discrediting the Egyptian god of Magic, Thoth, as the magic-practicing priests were unable to stop the influx

5. Plague on the livestock humiliated the cow goddess Hathor, Apis, and the sky goddess, Nut.

6. Boils plaguing the Egyptians disgraced "healing" gods such as Thoth, Isis, and Ptah.

7. Hail shamed the gods of nature, Reshpu, and again, Thoth, who was believed to have power over the thunder & rain.

8. Locust defeated the harvest gods, such as Min, who was believed to be a protector of crops.

9. Darkness humiliated the sun gods, Ra and Horus, and again, Thoth, who was thought to be the magical god of the sun, moon, and stars).

10. Death of the firstborn was the greatest humiliation for the Egyptian gods and goddesses, especially Pharaohs themselves, who felt that THEY were gods, sons of Ra (or Amon-Ra). The death of Pharoah's son, therefore, meant that one of their gods had actually died .

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12y ago

A number of commentaries have given answers. One is that they allude to the ten sephirot (in ascending order). Another (Rashi, quoting the Midrash) is that they represent the tactics which kings use in war. Another (K'li Yakar) is that they came to punish the Egyptians in a precise manner for the specific forms of wickedness of the Egyptians. Another commentary (Abarbanel quoted by K'li Yakar) says that the first three plagues confounded the idolatry of the Egyptians, the second three came to show God's power of discernment, and the final four plagues showed that God confounds Astrology and constellations at will. See the K'li Yakar for detail, since I'm summarizing.

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14y ago

As Pharaohs heart was hardened, god sent these 10 plagues to make him change his mind and release the jews.

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What book is the 10 plagues in?


What 3 plagues did Moses not warn pharaoh of ahead of time?

The Book of Exodus tells of ten plagues that God inflicted on Egypt, although Lester L. Grabbe (Ancient Israel) says there is actually no period in the second half of the second millennium BCE when Egypt was subject to a series of plagues, death of children or physical disruption of the country:Water into blood - verses 7:14-25Frogs - 7:25-8:11Lice - 8:16-19Flies - 8:20-32Death of cattle - 9:1-7Boils - 9:8-11Hail and fire - 9:13-35Locusts - 10:1-20Darkness - 10:21-29Death of first bornOf these, Exodus says that Moses did not forewarn the pharaoh of the plagues of lice, boils and darkness.The Book of Deuteronomy also talks of the "plagues of Egypt," but appears to rely on a very different tradition. In this book, verses 7:15 and 28:60 seem to indicate that the plagues were remembered as having afflicted the Israelites, not the Egyptians. Presumably in this account, Moses had no need to warn the pharaoh.For more information, please visit:

When did the 10 plagues of Egypt take place?

The Egyptians were punished with ten plagues when the Israelites were held as slaves by the Egyptians, right before the Exodus, somewhere around 1446 BCE. The exact date of the Exodus is a subject of many scholarly debates -- see the link below for a detailed article on the subject.

How did the egyptians handle the 10 plagues of Egypt?

That is not stated. What is stated, is how Pharaoh and his advisers reacted to the plagues. In the majority of the plagues, Pharaoh hardened his own heart; and in the first two, even his advisers did the same. Only later did their attitude soften. See Exodus chapters 7-12.

The ten plages?

The Ten Plagues or "The 10 Wonders of God" were 10 events taking place in Egypt in the book of Exodus from the Bible. According to the Bible the 10 plagues were caused by God as punishment to Egypt for not letting the enslaved Jews be set free. According to the book of Exodus Moses (A shepherd sent by God) asked the pharoah of Egypt to let God's people go. The pharoah refused. So God sent these 10 plagues upon the Egyptians and their land: the plague of Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Boils, Hail and fire, Locusts, total darkness, and the final plague: every firstborn son in Egypt was killed by the Angel of Death. After the last of these the Pharoah finally let the Jews who had been slaves under Egypt free.

How many plauge was their in the bible?

10 in Egypt from the Book of Exodus 21 in the Book of Revelation

How many plagues of Egypt were there in the Bible?

God sent 10 plagues to the people of Egypt.

Why did God send the frogs upon Egypt?

God sent ten plagues upon Egypt (Exodus ch.7-12), not only the plague of frogs. The purpose of the plagues was to impress upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians that God is the Boss (Exodus 7:5) and that the Israelites must be freed in order to serve Him (Exodus 7:26).The K'li Yakar commentary writes that, since the Egyptians worshiped the Nile, God symbolically trounced their false belief by making the Nile a source of anguish in the first two plagues. Also, since Pharaoh refused to recognize the voice of God (Exodus 5:2), He forced Pharaoh to listen to the constant croaking of the frogs (and later the unnaturally loud thunder during the hailstorms (Exodus 9:28) (K'li Yakar).

How many plagues were there when Moses was freeing his people?

The plagues as they appear in the Bible are: 1. (Exodus 7:14-25) rivers and other water sources turned to blood ('Dam') 2. (Exodus 7:26-8:11) amphibians (commonly believed to be frogs) ('Tsfardeia') 3. (Exodus 8:12-15) lice or gnats ('Kinim') 4. (Exodus 8:16-28) wild animals ('Arov') 5. (Exodus 9:1-7) disease on livestock ('Dever') 6. (Exodus 9:8-12) unhealable boils ('Shkhin') 7. (Exodus 9:13-35) hail mixed with fire ('Barad') 8. (Exodus 10:1-20) locusts ('Arbeh') 9. (Exodus 10:21-29) darkness ('Choshech') 10. (Exodus 11:1-12:36) death of the firstborn ('Makat Bechorot') Source: Hey man thanx i got 100 on my quiz u rock!

What were the ten plauges in exodus?

The 10 plagues in the order that they appear: water becomes blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock diseased, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of the first born.

What is the history of ten plagues of Egypt in the Bible?

Historically, the Ten Plagues occurred over the course of one year (Mishna, Eduyot ch.2), which according to traditional chronology was 1313-1312 BCE. The plagues, in order, were: Blood, frogs, lice, swarms of animals, death to the flocks, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death to the firstborn.After the Plagues, Egypt was in turmoil for decades, as we may understand from the Ipuwer papyri (Professor John van Seters, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology no. 50). This (and evidence for the Exodus in general) may be seen here: the wider picture. Archaeology in general:

What are the 10 jewish plagues?

The Plagues of Egypt were sent by God to Egypt to try and convince Pharaoh to set the Jews free from slavery.They were:The plagues as they appear in the Bible are:Water, which turned to blood and killed all fish and other aquatic lifeFrogsLiceFlies or wild animalsDisease on livestockUnhealable boilsHail and thunderLocustsDarknessDeath of the first-born of all Egyptian humans and animals.To be saved, the Israelites had to place the blood of a lamb on their door.This story can be found in the bible, in the book of Exodus or for an alternative it is fairly accurately represented in the Dreamworks film 'The Prince of Egypt'Hope this helps!