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A Triduum is "A period of three days of prayer, either preceding some special feast or preparing for some major enterprise. [It] Commemorates the biblical three days that Christ lay in the tomb." (from Modern Catholic Dictionary by Fr. Hardon, S.J. In the Catholic Church it is used most frequently to refer to the Easter (or Sacred) Triduum, which is composed of the last three days of Holy Week, i.e.: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The Easter Triduum ends with the lighting of the Easter fire at the beginning of the Easter Vigil after dark on Holy Saturday night.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Sacred Triduum starts with the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday evening, continues through Good Friday, and ends Holy Saturday with the start of the Easter Vigil.
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βˆ™ 12y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Triduum celebrates the last day of Our Blessed Lord on earth when He instituted the Sacred Eucharist at the Last Supper and ordained the Apostles as the first Bishops, before His Crucifixion, His Crucifixion, and His stay in the tomb.
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βˆ™ 13y ago

In the Paschal Triduum there is Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil. (the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before Easter.)

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What is Triduum after?

The Triduum follows Lent.

How do you celebrate the triduum?

The Triduum ma

Number of days in the Triduum?

Three days in a Triduum

What is the definition of Easter Triduum?

that Christ rose from the dead, on the third day from Resurrection

Does Lent end with the Triduum?

Roman Catholic AnswerYes, Lent ends immediately BEFORE the Triduum starts.

What are the the three days called when catholics celebrate the suffering death and resurrection of Jesus?

Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday - also known as the Triduum. It begins with Mass on Holy Thursday and ends with the beginning of Mass on Holy Saturday.

What is the date of triduum?

jan 5

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When does the season of tridium start and finish?

Triduum actually the Easter Triduum. It begins on the Jewish day of Passover, and ends on Easter Day.

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What starts Holy Thursday?

the Triduum, or the passion and death on the cross of Jesus Christ. the Triduum consists of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

What are the colors of paschal triduum?

In the contemporary Western Church, the liturgical color of the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday evening would be white (and, optionally, gold). White/Gold would also be the proper color if the Chrism Mass were offered earlier in the day.The offices (lauds, matins, midday prayers) during the day of Holy Thursday (before the evening Mass) would be violet as during Lent. I don't know what the color would be for night prayer/compline after the evening Mass... I have used violet or white (without further instruction or scruple from the official texts) to close the evening's public adoration with night prayer.For any services held before the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Thursday evening, violet would be worn, as it is still Lent; except for the Chrism Mass in the morning, the color for the White. The vestments for the celebrant at the Mass of the Lord's Supper in the Evening are white. According to the new calendar, since the Second Vatican Council, Lent is over and the Sacred Triduum has begun.