it means in god's time
mean/ a Titan/ lord of time
it means your liberation is up to you
It means that you have God all the time and in your Heart... Also its like a Community of people that believe in God
That Yahweh (GOD) made time last longer
She was saying god wanted her to be there. He needed her there in heaven.
Referring to God's qualities. God is everywhere at the same time. There is nowhere where God is not at. God encompasses all things. nothing exists without God being part of their existence.
The ancient Greek god Cronus is a god of time.
The ontological argument does not mean that God does not exist it is just an argument based upon the concept of God itself, this topic is a controversial topic and is often led into believing the wrong way one time or another.
Most Christians believe that God and Jesus have always existed. If you mean the incarnation in bodily form on earth, then its a matter of definition of 'long time'. God exists outside time, but also what seems like a long time may not be if compared against the background of time.
Kronos (/Cronos/Chronos) the titan was Time but there was no god of time.