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Q: What is a dradle?
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Where can you buy a dradle?


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What is the importance of a dradle?

There is no information on "dradle". However, the importance of a driedel is that they are part of the Jewish holiday tradition. They are also used for childhood games and enjoyment.

What is does a dradle signs mean?

go home.

How do you spell dradle?

Dreidel or דריידעל

What is your take on the movie Inception's ending?

i personally think that is was not a dream, because you could hear the dradle start to wobble and they just couldn't end his life as a dream! But there are ways it could have been a dream, but the movie is just meant to not be figured out!

What are some examples of classic toys for young children (about 5-6 years old)?

The dradle is definitively a classic toy and has been around for thousands of years. It is also proven that the yo-yo has been along since the ancient Greeks. Lastly, jigsaw puzzles are classic and they are the best for young kids.

How to celebrate channakuh?

Hannukah? or Channakuah?well to celebrate Hanukkah you light the Minora and you play with a dradle, and many different games. everyone gets one present each day. (8 days)the Jewish celebrate it.if you would like more info search it on,, anything like that....

What is the worst way to play bloody knuckles?

If you want to get actual bloody knuckles as the title suggests, you are probably looking for the quarter version. In this game, two or more players sit opposite each other with a small table big and flat enough to spin the quarter. One person spins the quarter (like a dradle) and people take turns trying to flick the quarter to make it go faster. If you touch the quarter when it is your turn and the quarter stays spinning for at least 3 seconds (the 3 second rule was made by me and some friends to help settle some disputes) then you have successfully completed your turn and the next player has to touch it. If a player does any of the following, then they have lost the round:When they touch the quarter it stops spinning within 3 seconds or it goes off the table (regardless of whether it is still spinning on the ground). Doing either of these is called a bad touch. If a player touches the quarter and it is a bad touch, the player after them can try to save the quarter from stopping completely. If you attempt to strike the quarter, then it is automatically your turn and you hold responsibility for the quarter. If you knock it down, you lose the round. If you lose the round, you have to put your knuckles flat on the table with your forearm behind it to block misses. The person opposite you takes the quarter and pushes down on it, then shoots it at your knuckles in an attempt to hit them. Regardless of whether it is a hit or miss, a new round begins afterward. Rinse and repeat until you're all f**ked up. :)

How do you play dradle?

The Hebrew word for dreidel is sevivon, which, as in Yiddish, means to turn around. Dreidels have four [Hebrew] letters on them, and they stand for the saying, “Nes Gadol Haya Sham,”meaning “a great miracle occurred there.” In Israel, instead of the fourth letter "shin," there is a "peh," which means the saying is “Nes Gadol Haya Po”--“a great miracle occurred here.” Playing with the dreidel is a traditional Hanukkah game played in Jewish homes all over the world, and rules may vary. Here's how to play the basic dreidel game: 1. Any number of people can take part in this great game. 2. Each player begins the game with an equal number of game pieces (about 10-15) such as pennies, nuts, chocolate chips, raisins, matchsticks, etc. 3. At the beginning of each round, every participant puts one game piece into the center "pot." In addition, every time the pot is empty or has only one game piece left, every player should put one in the pot. 4. Every time it's your turn, spin the dreidel once. Depending on the outcome, you give or get game pieces from the pot: a) Nun means "nisht"or "nothing" [in Yiddish]. The player does nothing. b) Gimmel means "gantz"or "everything" [in Yiddish]. The player gets everything in the pot. c) Hey means "halb"or "half" [in Yiddish]. The player gets half of the pot. (If there is an odd number of pieces in the pot, the player takes half of the total plus one). d) Shin (outside of Israel) means "shtel" or "put in" [in Yiddish]. Peh (in Israel)means "pay." The player adds a game piece to the pot. 5. If you find that you have no game pieces left, you are either "out" or may ask a fellow player for a "loan." The four sides of the dreidel, from right: nun, gimmel, hey, and shin 6. When one person has won everything, that round of the game is over! 7. We suggest that if you use money to play the game, ask players to donate part or all of their winnings to tzedakah (charity). You can ask parents to match these contributions. This way everyone wins and you can share the Hanukkah gifts with those in need!