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This is what they folow by John Alexander Christie

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Q: What is the Sikhs Code of Conduct?
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What is the Sikhs rule book called?

The Sikh code of conduct is called the Rehat Maryada.

Why was the Rahit Maryada written?

The Rahit Maryada was written to establish a uniform code of conduct and practices for Sikhs. It serves as a guide for living an ethical and disciplined life in accordance with Sikh principles.

When was No Code of Conduct created?

"No Code of Conduct" was released in 1998.

What are the code of conduct of Ghanaian teacher?

It's Ghana... they have no code.. or conduct...

What is the duration of No Code of Conduct?

The duration of No Code of Conduct is 1.58 hours.

What was Henry Morgan's code of conduct?

The Code of Conduct was to attack America

Are Sikhs allowed to be gay?

Sikhs have no written doctrine regarding homosexuality;however a Sikh religious leader described homosexuality as "against the Sikh religion and the Sikh code of conduct and totally against the laws of nature," and called on Sikhs to support laws against gay marriage. But many Sikhs reject this idea and accept everyone as equals.Sikhs have no written doctrine regarding homosexuality;however a Sikh religious leader described homosexuality as "against the Sikh religion and the Sikh code of conduct and totally against the laws of nature," and called on Sikhs to support laws against gay marriage. But many Sikhs reject this idea and accept everyone as equals.

Name of the code of conduct of the religion Hinduism and explain the code of conduct.?


What is Macy's code of conduct?

Macy's code of conduct is "get down and suck this DICK!"

What is the medieval knights code of conduct?

The code of conduct for knights is called a Chivalry.

What is American Red Cross code of conduct?

See the related link for the ARC code of conduct.

Can you give sentences that using the word conduct as a noun?

The Code and Conduct of the class was very complicated. . . . Conduct as a noun is a synonym for Code practically