Neither. The Islamic equivalent is called a mosque.
Muslims visit the mosque whenever they desire to pray. Friday is Namaz-e-Jummah or Friday prayers. Muslims go to the mosque for a community prayer. The priest (Skeih) is in the mosque five times a day. So whenever Muslims go to the mosque during the five prayer times, they do prayers with the Skeih which has more rewards.
A priest.
A mosque or masjid is made up of many things. First, every mosque has an Imam, or Islamic priest who leads the prayers and/or Islamic kutbahs (discussions). A mosque also has a dome shaped roof, some do and some don't. Inside the mosque are bathrooms, a main prayer hall, a women's section for prayers, a small kitchenette, and a small book room for Islamic teachings. Some mosques are bigger than others, so there are more rooms, and some are smaller so there is only those components I mentioned above.
A mosque is a religious place where Muslims go to pray.A church is a religious place where Christians go to pray. They are not equivalent to each other.
If it is an entire building, i.e. the Islamic equivalent of a church, it would be called a mosque. If it is a room in a larger structure that has a non-religious purpose, such as in a bus station, hospital, etc., i.e. the Islamic equivalent of a chapel, it is called a musallah. If you are talking about a massive structure, i.e. the Islamic equivalent of a cathedral, that would be a jame'a.
There is no mosque in Dubai called the F Mosque.
grand mosque
There is no adjective to mosque. Mosque is the building where Muslims go for praying.
The lagest mosque in nigeria is kwara state mosque
Every mosque holds a number of Quran books and other Islamic books. Many mosques hold classes for young kids and elders, where they recite and memorize verses from the quran. Every Friday Muslims go to the nearest mosque for their afternoon prayer also called Zahr prayer, where the Imam (which can be compared to a priest or preacher) will read verses from the quran and deeply explain the meanings.