The Pope
The Pope
According to Catholic belief, the Pope is given the special gift of infallibility to protect him from error in teaching matters of faith and morals when he speaks ex cathedra, or officially from the Chair of Peter. This means that under certain conditions and with specific criteria met, the Pope is preserved from error when issuing teachings on matters of faith and morals for the whole Church to believe.
The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility means the pope cannot error when issuing decrees or declarations on matters of faith and morals.
Benedict will no longer be in a position to be teaching ex cathedra about faith and morals so will not be speaking infallibly.
Ethical usually means related to morals, the Council of Trent dealt more with faith then with morals, although it did touch on morals.
Yes, when it comes to matters of faith and morals.
Infallible is the word to describe when a pope speaks ex cathedra in matters of faith and morals.
They weapons of fairness, good faith, and good morals.
Roman Catholic AnswerBecause all of the teachings of the Catholic Church in the areas of faith and morals infallibly reflect the teaching of God on those matters.
A woman to be accepted for marriage for her beauty, social rank, education, job, and wealth, and for her morals, faith, and conduct. Priority should be given to her morals and conduct and faith.