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"What is the sound of one hand clapping?" is a traditional zen koan -- a question posed by a Zen master to a student.

It is meant to be pondered from within the routine of daily life until the answer opens the true heart of the question. All koans must be answered from within the realm of one's own personal experience, and thus be encountered in the journey of living rather than in the rationalizations of logical thought.

Accordingly, each koan has many answers, answers that will vary both in words and in the stirring of one's mind and emotions.

Even the wisest Zen teacher cannot tell you your own answer. You must find it for yourself, and not in your mind, and not in the comfort of a rational response. Once experienced, the answer is often a life changing experience, and needs no confirmation from anyone else.

Here are responses to the question from a variety of WikiAnswer users:

  • What is the sound of one hand clapping? To know, you must experience those aspects of your own life that create this very soundless sound (emotion) within your own being. People who have truly lived with a koan for an extended period of time come to experience the answer. In my own travels down this path with this particular question, there eventually came to be a certain opening of awareness, and a manifestation of the heart of compassion became tangible within. In my experience, the sound of one hand clapping is the emotion of loneliness deeply felt in an increasingly self centered pursuit of enlightenment Experiencing this "answer" turned me away from relative isolation and the self-centered desire to "know," and towards the world and the practice of metta.
  • The simpler answer- It depends on what the hand is clapping against! The yin and yang of it. The Gestalt. The figure and the ground. The container and the contents.
  • What is the sound of one hand clapping in your own life?
  • The sound of one hand clapping is silence. The silence refers to the essence of being which is nothingness.
  • What is the sound of one hand clapping? Who are you when your thinking is silenced? .
  • Our true nature is stillness. That stillness is the same everywhere in everything. But like he up there... concepts won't teach you anything.
  • The sound of one hand clapping is a tiny sound that can be barley heard by humans.
  • the hand is the human heart and the clapping is emotions the other hand represents the one that makes us whole thus the clapping of both hands is the power of two people's emotions and the hands touching each other is the connection between the two people
  • The sound of one hand clapping is a conversation with someone that never connects with them so you try again and again before realizing you are only talking to yourself - they don't get it. If you never realize that, you are just insane by definition and you will continue to be the one hand that connects with nothingness.
  • Using a sound recording device, clap with one hand. Play back the result
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11y ago
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Frances Sheets

Lvl 1
11mo ago
VERY helpful. I have a print of Robert Sargent's "One Hand Clapping" and now I finally realize its meaning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much.
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1w ago

The sound of one hand clapping is a philosophical concept originating from Zen Buddhism, particularly in the context of a koan. In Zen practice, koans are used as a tool to challenge the logical mind and provoke deeper insight. The question itself is meant to be paradoxical and thought-provoking, encouraging practitioners to transcend dualistic thinking and experience a moment of enlightenment. Ultimately, there is no definitive answer to this question as it is meant to be contemplated rather than answered logically.

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Frances Sheets

Lvl 2
11mo ago

..... to know more about self. Who do I think I am and what do I think I am and who really....really, what is in my heart. Not really THE answer, but leading to determining my life path. Out with the self-centeredness and into the world of true humane. Compassion, empathy,

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12y ago

When clapping both hands one sound is heard. The sound only seems as one, but it is actually the sum of two sounds. Right hand and left hand. Each hand is making the sound of one hand clapping.

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12y ago

the vibration transfers energy to nearby air particles, which produces sound waves in the air.

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Lvl 2
2y ago

A one handed clap is a slap

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The following rythm

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When was The Sound of One Hand Clapping created?

The Sound of One Hand Clapping was created in 1997.

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The novel "The Sound of One Hand Clapping" by Richard Flanagan has 400 pages in the paperback edition.

What is the ISBN of The Sound of One Hand Clapping?

The ISBN of The Sound of One Hand Clapping is 0-7329-0896-5.

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The duration of The Sound of One Hand Clapping - film - is 1.55 hours.

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The Sound of One Hand Clapping - film - was created on 1996-04-23.

What is the sound heard here?

It is the sound of one hand clapping.

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What is the sound of a one-hand clapping?

The concept of one hand clapping in Zen Buddhism is meant to challenge logical thinking and encourage contemplation. It doesn't have a definitive answer, but rather is a tool for introspection and mindfulness. Some interpretations suggest that the sound of one hand clapping symbolizes the absence of duality and the unity of all things.

If you clap with one hand will it make a sound?

no.that is not true because, you have to think "well what can I clap on one hand for it to make a sound?" or "is my clapping metaphorical as in silent applause?"there are many answers to this but there wouldn't be a definite "yes" or "no"Well.... No. Clapping is useing both hands and hitting them against eachother to make a sound, you cannot make a sound useing only one hand. Unless you use a object or another hand. There for there is no sound of one hand clapping.

Who is clapping with one hand?

I'm not completely sure what you are asking but I think the sound of one hand clapping is snapping your fingers because the sound from a snap comes from the air escaping from under your middle finger when it contacts the base of your thumb.

What is the duration of One-Hand Clapping?

The duration of One-Hand Clapping is 1.57 hours.

When was One-Hand Clapping created?

One-Hand Clapping was created on 2001-08-17.