England. Germany was divided after Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church, and started a new church, now called the Lutheran church.
Protestant Reformation
First of all the Greek Orthodox broke with the Catholic Church and then during the period called the reformation the the "reformists" broke with the Catholic Church and formed various 'protestant' churches
King Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church and formed his own church.
Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in 1534, and established the Church of England.
Henry VIII did not form the Catholic Church. He actually broke away from the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England in 1534.
When King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and started the Anglican Church in England, and when Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church in Germany. This started the Anglican (Church of England, Episcopalian, Anglo-Catholic, etc.) and Lutheran churches.
The Greek Orthodox Church left the Catholic Church in the eleventh century.
Not all Europeans broke with the fold of the catholic church.Mostly,Northern European is nation who broke from the Catholic church except Lithuania and Poland.The period when reformers attacked the teaching of the church was mostly during the end of the Medieval period and the Renaissance period.
King Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church to create the Church of England because of the different views on divorce.
It was: Henry the VIII
Henry broke away from the catholic church and established the Church of England with himself as head.