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What were the names of job's children in The Bible

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Q: What was job's children names in the bible and their children?
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How many names of children are in the bible?

ALL the names in the Bible are children's names! Because every person in the Bible was once a child. Their parents named them, so all the names are for kids.

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They gave their children names of people in the Bible.

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They gave their children names of people in the Bible.

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4 4

What was the names of the children?

The only 3 names mentioned in the Bible are Cain, Abel, and Seth. Adam also had "other sons and daughters," though they aren't named.

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The names of the children of Lot's daughters were Moab (son of the older daughter) and Ben-Ammi (son of the younger daughter).

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Joshua's children's names are not mentioned in the Bible. According to tradition, Joshua had no sons. He had a daughter or daughters and was an ancestor of Huldah the Prophetess (Talmud, Megillah 14b).

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This is often because these names have either good meanings or good associations in terms of the character in the Bible. They want good examples and associations for their children.

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Matthew and Mark. His mom wanted 4 children named after the four gospel books of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

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4 children, I know he had a son, I have his bible, as pictured in welsh pirates by daffydd meirion, page 106

What was Jobs wife's name in the Bible?

The bible does not mention her name at all.