Wesak Day is on the 15th day (full moon) of the 4th Lunar Month. In the Lunar calender there is a possiblility of leap month (just like a leap year in the universal calender, i.e. every 4 years). However the leap month of a Lunar calender is determined by an almaniac (not every four or every two years basis). In such circumstances there is a possiblity of having double 2nd Lunar month or a double 4th lunar month and so on. So if there is a double 4th lunar month, then Wesak will be internationally accepted on the 4th lunar month on the 15th day (full moon) in the month of May of the universal calender and in most cases on the first 4th lunar month.
No, Wesak is not a religion. It is a significant annual festival celebrated by Buddhists around the world, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha.
buddhist people
buddhist celebrate wesak .lanterns are lit on this festival, and it celebrates the whole life of the founder of this religion
Vesak is a Buddhist holiday.
Wesak is the most important of the Buddhist festivals. It is celebrated with much color and gaiety. The Bathing the Buddha ceremony is done which servers as a reminder to purify the Buddhists' minds from greed, hatred and ignorance.
Wesak is a word found in Bahasa Malaysia or Bahasa Indonesia. Wesak is originally pronounced as "Vaishaak" in Sanskrit and is a name of summer month when the crop is fully ripe/dried and is ready for harvesting. It is in this month Crops are harvested and hence the festival of harvest in India, Malaysia and Indonesia. So we can say that "Wesak" or "Vaishaak" belongs to whichever religion the Greater India was following for more than 10,000 years.
Wesak or Vesak is not a religion, it is holiday or celebration in the Buddhist calendar. it is often described as Buddha's Birthday in the West, but it involves several other facets of the life of Gautama Buddha. Wesak is celebrated during the months of Aril or May on the Gregorian calander, by that calendar it is mobile event like Easter. The exact date varies as it is calculated on the lunar calendars used in many Asian countries and the Buddhist tradition that the celebrants follow. The date is usually associated with the full moon in one of the lunar months.
The WESAK website states; Wesak is named for the legendary convergence of Buddha, Christ and other Masters in the hallowed Wesak Valley in the Himalayas during the Buddha full moon occurring in May each year. The convergence is celebrated variously in cultures throughout the world, including annual pilgrimages to the original site. At this time, the next celebration in the U.S. is scheduled to occur May 8-10, 2009.
Buddhists. It is celebrated on the full moon in May.
Sri Lanka is the best place to holiday - without doubt!
Wesak is basically the major buddhist event where lord buddha was bron, atained enlightenment and died, wesak is a celebration of his life and is a time where all meet together and go to the pansal(temple ) and eat have fun, make a wesak koodowa (a large elaborate lantern) its very special and magical you should go
it is a day of peace but i don't know the awncer cool out man!