smashing stones together , turned out they were flint
I am not a MD but my son has been suffering from chronic kidney stones, it was told to me that tramadol can have renal issues that is why when i suggested it instead of narcotics they said it could do more harm then good....the risk was notwprth it.
They ate wheat that they grew & the fish that they caught. The wheat could be turned into bread and rice and corn and cereal and stufflike that.
yes people had bread in the 1800s bread was technically founded over 30,000 years ago because people have found evidence of stones used for grinding matierial and on that tool was the residues of dried water flower and others.also im pretty sure that there was a colony called the bread basket colony
The idiomatic phrase is "if these stones could talk" (or if these stones could speak), meaning that the location was likely the scene of historic occurrences, where most likely the stones have been in place for a very long time.
No but I suppose you could invent a "jara bread"
The toaster will not explode, but it could electrocute you or cause a fire.Do not ever stick any metal object into a toaster when it is plugged in, even if it is not turned on. If you have a piece of bread stuck in the toaster, unplug the toaster before trying to remove the bread.
The stones could be trapped in the bile ducts or in severe cases the stones may have broken down, due to non treatment, & have turned to 'sand'. Surgery either way will take care of most of these things...
bread crusts are good for you because they contain more wheat than the bread itself how could they be bad for you?
Ernest Rutherford
Bread is not known to cause headaches, but certain allergic reactions to the bread could lead to headaches.
There could be stones. They are not supposed to be in there. And they do not naturally occur in beans, so it would be a problem.