Jesus is known for telling parables that taught moral or spiritual lessons about the kingdom of heaven in the Bible. His parables, such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, were meant to convey important messages in a relatable and easily understandable way.
In Matthew 13 there are six parables of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus told; which is a good place to start reading of the many stories of Jesus
There were many more than three, and most of his parables showed in some way, the kingdom of Heaven
The central subject of most parables in the Gospel of Matthew is the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus often used parables to teach his followers about the nature of the Kingdom, how to enter it, and how to live as citizens of it. These stories often contain moral lessons and insights into the values and principles of the Kingdom.
1 Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven: hearing, seeking and growing 2 Parables of loss and redemption 3 Parables about love and forgiveness 4 Parables about prayer 5 Parable about the end times
Jesus told the parables in the bible.
They are called parables. A parable an illustration that puts something familiar alongside something unfamiliar. A parable is similar to a fable or an allegory or a proverb but parables are generally concerned with spiritual matters. Jesus used parables as a teaching method to teach the people who followed him about, for example, the kingdom of heaven. He spoke in parables so that only those who were sincere would see the truth contained in them.
Aloysius Mullins has written: 'Heaven's hostess' -- subject(s): Devotion to 'A guide to the kingdom' -- subject(s): Kingdom of God, Parables
The coming Kingdom of God. "...the Kingdom of Heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed..." (Matt.13:31). "...the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto leaven..." (verse 33). "...the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field..." (verse 44). "...the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchant man..." (verse 45). "...the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net..." (verse 47). "...therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is an householder..." (verse 52).
Jesus whole ministry was about - "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," and he spoke many parables trying to illustrate to us the truths concerning the kingdom of heaven, and finally he sent the comforter the Holy Ghost so that the kingdom of heaven is within us - Christ in you, the hope of glory, (Colossians 1.27)
The song is called Crusaders from the Kingdom of Heaven soundtrack
The "Temple" or "Kingdom" of God is Heaven. From what I know, it is called the Kingdom of God, or Kingdom of Heaven. Although I have heard the word temple used in that term.