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W. A. Ward

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Q: Who wrote every sunrise is a gift from God and every sunset His signature?
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A sentence for the word signature?

She wrote her signature at the bottom of the will.

Who wrote the poem the sea of the sunset?

Emily Dickinson has written the poem The sea of the Sunset.

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Taylor Swift's signature on stage is her hair whip.

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When did Emily Pauline Johnson write At Sunset?

Emily Pauline Johnson wrote "At Sunset" in the late 19th century, around the 1890s.

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Code Geass , the anime series , was created by the Japanese animation studio "Sunrise".

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To sign your name or put your signature. This comes from the overly large signature that Hancock wrote on the declaration.

Who wrote Every Time You Touch?

Cascada wrote Every Time You Touch.

Who wrote the music to 'sunset poem' by Dylan thomas?

It's a chant by A.H.D. Troyte (1811-57)

Can a loan company make you pay if they have put an x in the box before your signature?

assuming you are the one who wrote the signature afterwards yes! that would still be a legally binding contract!

What hour is the sixth hour in th new testament?

Generally, the "sixth hour" is considered the sixth hour after sunrise, or noon. Some scholars disagree, but this is the widely held belief. Good site to check is here: the data from ancient Greek and Latin texts substantiate a single unified system of counting the hours of the day from sunrise to sunset.And even more support from the conservative Christian scholar, F.F. Bruce, who wrote Romans divided the period of daylight (from sunrise to sunset) into twelve hours, and the period of darkness (from sunset to sunrise) into four watches (The Gospel of John, p.66)Conclusive proof that the sunrise reference system was used not only by the Jews, but by Greeks and Romans alike is found in dozens of examples of time-reckoning found in the ancient writings. Interested readers will find these examples in the article, Time Reckoning in Ancient Rome.