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A small demon or devil is typically depicted as an impish and mischievous spirit that delights in causing trouble and chaos. These entities are often associated with tempting humans to do evil deeds or engaging in playful pranks that lead to harm or confusion. Their small stature and cunning nature make them difficult to detect but also make them easily underestimated.

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Q: A small demon or devil mischievous spirit?
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What is Pascal's demon?

You may have confused Laplace and Pascal - both French mathematicians and philosophers, although Pascal came about a century earlier. Laplace's Demon is a thought experiment concerning order and chaos in the universe. When I burn a log, I am converting the chemical energy of the log into thermal energy in the smoke. This is a relatively ordered model, because I can predict the change in energy. However, the smoke will never be burnt or reform into a log, and I will have a harder time predicting where the energy will go. Eventually, all of the forms of fuel in the universe, from fossil fuels to the nuclear cores of stars to the sugar burning up inside of you and me will be burnt up, and we won't know how energy will move. This is a chaotic model. Pierre-Simon Laplace proposed the following question: What if there was a demon (or angel or god or scientist or pastry chef, it doesn't really matter) who knew the position of every atom in the universe? If he knew where the carbon atom was in a log that was burning, he'd be able to predict that it would form carbon dioxide in the smoke, because it's an ordered model. If he knew where an oxygen atom was getting closer and closer to two hydrogen atoms, he'd be able to predict that it was about to form water. Conversely, if he knew the speed a water molecule was traveling, he'd be able to use kinematics (study of motion) to figure out how the atoms were moving before they bonded. He would know where everything was, where everything was going to be, and where everything had been, right? But because the universe is chaotic and getting more and more chaotic all of the time, thanks to entropy - which is a whole other issue, but in this case it can be simplified and thought of as the tendency for fuel to burn up - Laplace's Demon doesn't always know. He might be able to make a reasonable guess, sure, he wouldn't be able to tell you how smoke moves. The smoke molecules have kinetic energy, and so they have to be moving, but the universe doesn't care which way, and so Laplace's Demon can't help. That said, our understanding of physics is changing all the time, and many scholars have come forward with a possible pattern in the way smoke moves and so forth. Laplace's Demon will remain relevant as we explore Quantum Mechanics and the movements of the very small and very fast pieces of the universe.

What is informal worship?

a small gathering of people at a small service

What is a small religious community called?

a cult

Did God ever speak directly to a woman?

In religious texts, particularly in the Christian tradition, there are instances where God speaks directly to women. For example, in the Bible, God spoke to Mary, the mother of Jesus, through an angel to announce the birth of Jesus. God also spoke to Hagar, the Egyptian handmaid of Sarah, in the Old Testament.

Why is isaiah's dick small?

because he is very young

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What name for a small demon or devil in three letters begging with i?

an imp?

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What is an imp?

An imp is a mythological being similar to a fairy or demon, frequently described in folklore and superstition. The word may perhaps derive from the term ympe, used to denote a young grafted tree.Imps are often described as mischievous more than seriously threatening, and as lesser beings rather than more important supernatural beings. The attendants of the devil are sometimes described as imps. They are usually described as lively and having small stature.IF you look up The Devil, you will find more answers.


An imp is a mythological being similar to a fairy or demon, frequently described in folklore and superstition. The word may perhaps derive from the term ympe, used to denote a young grafted tree.Imps are often described as mischievous more than seriously threatening, and as lesser beings rather than more important supernatural beings. The attendants of the devil are sometimes described as imps. They are usually described as lively and having small stature.IF you look up The Devil, you will find more answers.

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What is a small demon called?

An imp

What is a mischievous fellow and it rhymes with blimp?

A mischievous fellow that rhymes with "blimp" is known as an imp. Imps are often depicted as small, playful creatures who enjoy causing trouble and mischief.

What it the devil's mouth?

The Devil's Mouth is small islands that are located in the Caribbean.

What is the Italian translation of 'little devil'?

Piccola zucca is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "little pumpkin." Specifically, the feminine adjective piccola means "little, small." The feminine noun zucca means "pumpkin." Its singular definite article la means "the," and its singular indefinite article una means "a, one." The pronunciation is "PEEK-koh-lah TSOOK-kah."

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A devil ray is the same thing as a devil-ray a devilray, a devilfish, a devil-fish, or a manta ray.