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A:All the books of the New Testament, at least in the form we now have them, mention Jesus. The General Epistle of James only mentions Jesus twice (James 1:1, 2:1) in what may be later insertions, so it is possible that this book at one stage never mentioned Jesus. James could be substantially pre-Christian, or at least proto-Christian. Its teaching is not about the Christian faith, but about the importance of living a moral life, and the arguments for doing so are set forth as common wisdom, with the source and authority for this wisdom taken for granted by the author. Sayings reminiscent of the teachings of Jesus are not given special privilege and are not even attributed to him as their author or authority.


The only book of the New Testament not to mention Jesus or Christ directly is the 3rd Epistle of John.

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1d ago

Yes, there are a few books in the New Testament that do not mention Jesus directly. These include the letters of James, 2 and 3 John, and Jude. Although these books may not contain explicit references to Jesus, they still discuss important Christian teachings and themes.

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14y ago

Third John. But Third John DOES contain the word "God".

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Q: Are there any books in the New Testament that do not mention Jesus?
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