

Did Jesus ever swear

Updated: 4/27/2024
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13y ago

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yes of couse but they shouldn't really as it is breaking the 10 comandants . Unfortunately yes. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, Evan Christians. No one can keep all the ten commandments.

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12y ago
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13y ago

First of all, the following is shared with a good deal of tongue-in-cheek humor and I mean no offense to anyone. I think we'll probably never really know whether Jesus actually swore or "cursed" or not... Well, except for the fig tree (Mark 11)... He really cursed it good! ;) hehe... But seriously, I think we can probably at least rule out the possibility that ever He took God's name in vain. Jesus was as much man as He was God, but we know (from the Bible of course) that He never sinned. He kept the Law and the Law says (Exodus 20:7) that "thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." So, there it is, He never said "Yahweh da** it!" (forgive me God for just saying that) ;)

I heard one guy argue that Jesus more than likely did use vulgar language at times, after all He was a carpenter and hung out with fishermen. hahahaha... Ok ok, fair enough point. ;) But I don't think Jesus slammed His thumb and said, "Ye Heavenly Father, I give unto thee thanks and praise for all thy bounty and blessing, and extol thee with the highest honor and glory for ever and ever and yea even for ever more! Thank thee O Father for destoryething mine thumb and making it pulse with fervent pain. Yea thou are worthy, Amen!" Na... he probably said, "Dung!" (which is basically shi* in Greek). hahahaha... The Greek is "skubalon"... Maybe He shouted "Aw skub!" for short??? ;)

Of course I am kidding with you again, but this is a real word used in Scripture and it does mean "animal excrement". In the book of Malachi God was even so upset with the priests that He said he was going to spread dung on their faces! (Malachi 2:3) Talk about rubbing your nose in it! This came from God's own mouth... Since Jesus said that He and the Father were one, I suppose it's more than fair to assume that Jesus may have used equally harsh language at times, in a righteous context of course.

What about when He tossed out the moneychangers and turned over the tables? Is it reasonable to presume he used some strong language that would have adequately expressed His righteous anger? Perhaps... Or perhaps he was smiling the whole time singing "Whistle While You Work"? ;) Naaa, probably not.

It's funny how this subject can turn some people on end. I mean some people get really worked up about this subject. I do think a lot of it is a cultural thing. For example, when we hear the word "bloody" (as often used when Americans are mocking a British accent... come on, you know you've bloody well done it), we think nothing of it and we giggle as we go, "Look, I'm Monty Python"... but in places around the UK (and also Australia, where my wife is from) "bloody" is a very bad word.

Then you have various historical considerations... For example, in the old days, cigarettes were often referred to as "fags". Of course, "fag" has a bit of a different meaning today that some would regard as extremely offensive (perhaps even on par with "cursing").

My mom (who is in her mid 70's now) never cusses (per say), yet I have often heard her use substitutes: i.e. Jimminy Cricket (Jesus Christ?), Shoot it (shi*?), fooey or fiddlesticks (fu**?), what the hay (what the he**?), Oh my goodness (God?), uffda (that's Swedish cussing - hehe - it means basically "drats"). Oh yeah, can't forget "honest to Pete!" I don't think Pete appreciates his name being taken in vain either by-the-way! ;)

I think probably the heart behind it is what's important and the respectful consideration of others around us who may find some language offensive. I know that my mom doesn't have in mind to take the name of Jesus Christ in vain when she says, "Oh Jimminy Cricket," and I'm pretty sure God isn't waiting to send her to hades for abusing the good name of Disney cartoon characters. I really don't think God is the least bit worried if we shout "oop shoop!" (or even something worse... but really, what could be worse than oop shoop?) when we slam our thumbs. I'm not sure that is, exactly, an "outburst of wrath" (as the Scripture calls it).

As I said though, I think this all has to do with what is really in our heart. I'll be honest and say that I have done something stupid like trip over my own two feet or spill my grape juice all over my shirt (because I was trying to pick my nose with glass in hand) and uttered a "swear word" only to be followed by laughter (because I felt silly at my obviously silly mistake). While I suppose someone could argue that I said that word because it was in my wicked evil heart, the basic reality is that I meant no harm by it, wasn't angry about anything, and had no attitude of blasphemy or slander or intention to be crude and offensive. I just spilled my darn grape juice and now I can't find where the booger went either... crap! hahaha I suppose when Jesus accidentally spilled the wine at His last supper He probably said, "Oh fish sticks!" ;) :p

As far as using harsh language toward others... In Matthew 23 Jesus was pretty upset with the Pharisees and called them (publicly): fools, hypocrites (fakers), blind guides, damned, and a brood of vipers. All very strong words; however, the point was to shake the religious leaders to their spiritual blindness and error so that they would see the truth. The heart of the Lord is mercy and God is love, so I'm certain that - even with His harsh speaking - Jesus' purpose was redemptive. He wanted the truth to be highlighted... not only so that the pharisees would see it, but so that everyone present would discern the truth from error.

It is also just a bit interesting to me that, pretty much, the only time that Jesus used really harsh language and shouted at anyone was to religious leaders... They were always muddying up the waters for everyone; inserting themselves as elites, boasting in their own righteousness, glorying in their religious titles and credentials, and flaunting their sham authority over everyone. Jesus certainly and immediately put them in their place and would have none of their religious nonsense!

You'll also remember that John the Baptist said the same thing against the Pharisees: (Matt. 3:7; Luke 3:7) he called them a brood of vipers as well!

Hmmm... what else might the Scripture say about bad language???

Ephesians 4:29 says, "Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."

The term "foul or abusive language" in the Greek means "corrupt speech" and the context refers primarily to "slanderous speech" rather than outright "cussing". This is seen by the resolve that Paul gives in saying, "Let everything you say be good and helpful (to others), so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." Put another way it means, "Don't speak abusively and with harsh vulgarity toward your brother in Christ, but let your speech encourage him and help him."

In Galatians 5:20 Paul talks about people who are regularly given to "outbursts of anger" (amongst other "works of the flesh") and says that these will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. A lot of people point to this passage and call "outbursts" swearing. Well, maybe there is a point of truth there (and I won't say that it may never mean that), but the context is referring to an attitude of heart that produces a habit of foul speech.

In Colossians 3:8 Paul says, "But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language." I looked up the word for "filthy language" in the Greek and it means "to utter obscenities". I looked up the word for "slander" and it means just that: "to slander, to blaspheme, speak evil, or rail against others."

It seems that, with all of these, an attitude of the heart is in mind and this is important because Jesus said (Matthew 12:34) that what comes out of the mouth is evidence of what is inside the heart. All the warnings against evil speech are with specific reference to a hateful, angry or envious disposition toward others or a lack of self-control.

God also doesn't want us who consider ourselves "followers of Jesus" bathing ourselves with the sometimes very foul behavior of this world. Followers of Jesus are supposed to stand as a light shining on a hill. We're supposed to emulate God's love, purity and righteousness. Obviously, our behavior can say a lot about whose we are right? He** yes my friend! :) Oops, sorry about that. ;)

I think when people try to highlight some kind of legalism by reading the words of Jesus they miss the mark on subjects like this. The Gospel has no legalisms! God is not holding up the Law of Moses to our faces and then condemning us every time we make a mistake. But the Gospel reminds us of God's goodness and grace and the Spirit works in us to put to death the old ways of our flesh, which is a process of growth. The fact that God is good and shows us kindness, gives us encouragement to pursue righteousness, especially in our behavior - because WE WANT TO and not just because it is expected of us. A truly spiritually-minded person will want to please God and this will show forth in his actions. This is what is called "fruit" in biblical text.

While there seem to be enough Christians that would like to "Westernize" the Bible (defining it according to their American way of thinking - heck, I do this inadvertently sometimes and have to remind myself to study things out), there are just as many that are guilty of "Culturizing" the Bible to fit with their own little cultural religious moral regiments. Imagine if someone came from a cultural environment that thought that "marshmallows" was equivalent to the "F" word and thusly applied all these Scriptures about corrupt and foul language to the use of this word... We'd probably look them, honestly, and think to ourselves - "this person's a freak." haha... Obviously they are taking their cultural influence and making application to the text.

It doesn't mean they are right, nor does it mean that God is offended by the word marshmallow, any more than He is offended by the word fu**! But their conscience may consider this an offense and so they should be true to their conscience just as we should respect their sensitivity while in their presence (by not using the name of the marshmallow in vain). It's interesting also that Paul (in a similar discussion about people who have problems eating meat that has been sacrificed to idols) took things so far as to say, "If eating meat offends my brother, I will never eat meat again as long as I live so as not to cause my brother to stumble!" Wow! This is an incredible statement of love. I'm not sure I could do that... Well, with God's help I could, but I just mean this is very difficult. I always want to reason this out as meaning, "well, Paul surely must have meant 'while in their presence'," but he goes this far to demonstrate so much love. God help us all!

Ok, I have rambled on too long and I hope I haven't offended anyone with my lame attempt at humor to make my points. To sum up, did Jesus ever swear? Hmmm... I really, honestly don't know. It wouldn't surprise me if He did in some particular context, but it also wouldn't surprise me if He didn't.

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4d ago

There is no historical record of Jesus swearing or using foul language. Jesus is typically portrayed in religious texts and teachings as speaking with wisdom, compassion, and kindness.

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