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Most people do not realize that not only religion is subjective, but all human knowledge as well. Our perception of reality, the essence of our existence are also subjective. Only God can be objective, because it is only God that is self-existent and transcendent, so his perception of the universe is not obscured and limited as ours is. We are part of the creation and have the same dimensionality as the world around us, being trapped inside of it, we need to step outside this space-time in order to be able to see it objectively, and so far only one man has been able to do that. I hope that you would be able to open your mind to the possibility, that maybe the way you were conditioned to perceive reality is an illusion.

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6d ago

It's important to acknowledge that beliefs are personal and subjective. Different individuals approach religion with varying perspectives and interpretations. It's unfair to generalize the attitudes of all religious individuals based on the inability to answer a specific question, as people's beliefs are shaped by a multitude of factors beyond closed-mindedness.

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Q: Do people not realize that religion is subjective and not objective and any inability to answer a simple subjective question about religion demonstrates the closed mindedness of religious types?
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What is subjective redemption?

Subjective redemption refers to the personal acceptance or experience of the salvation provided by objective redemption, which is the work of Christ on the cross. It involves an individual's response to God's grace and their decision to embrace the forgiveness and new life offered through Christ. Essentially, subjective redemption is the practical application of the objective redemption accomplished by Jesus.

What is the difference between scientific and confessional approach to the study of religious?

The scientific approach to the study of religion focuses on empirical evidence, objective analysis, and the application of scientific methods. In contrast, the confessional approach is rooted in personal beliefs, faith-based perspectives, and subjective interpretations. Scientific studies aim for neutrality and reproducibility, while confessional studies prioritize personal faith and spiritual experiences.

What are personal judgments based on beliefs rather than facts?

Personal judgments based on beliefs rather than facts are often subjective and influenced by individual values, attitudes, and biases. These judgments may be shaped by cultural or societal norms, personal experiences, emotions, or upbringing, rather than objective evidence or data. They can vary widely among individuals and may not be grounded in verifiable information.

What is the difference between a mission and missionary?

A mission is a specific task or goal that an individual or organization sets out to achieve, while a missionary is a person who is sent on a religious mission to spread a particular faith or message. In essence, a mission is the objective, while a missionary is the person carrying out that objective.

What is the difference between fact and faith?

A fact is a statement that can be proven or verified through evidence or observation, while faith is belief in something without proof or evidence. Facts are objective and can be confirmed by multiple sources, while faith is subjective and based on personal conviction.

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