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Being rich itself is not a sin. However, how one attains wealth and uses it can determine if it aligns with ethical and moral principles. It's important to consider how wealth is obtained, managed, and whether it is used to contribute positively to society.

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What is the meaning of Obstinacy in sin?

Obstinacy in sin refers to a persistent and willful refusal to repent or change one's sinful behavior, despite knowing it is wrong. It implies a hardened state of mind that resists all attempts to correct or improve one's actions.

Original sin different from personal sin?

A social sin usually involves other people. A personal sin though committed again yourself with no intention of others being involved, will at some time involve others, directly or indirectly.

Mathew 18 v9 And if your eye causes you to sin tear it out and throw it away Explain one eye do sin and the just in this verse?

In this verse, Jesus is using metaphorical language to emphasize the seriousness of avoiding sin. He is highlighting the need to eliminate any source of temptation or sin in our lives, even if it means making drastic changes. It emphasizes the importance of preserving our spiritual well-being and striving for righteousness.

Is it a sin not to reproduce?

In many religions, not reproducing is not considered a sin. Different faiths have varying beliefs on reproduction, and individuals may choose not to have children for personal, medical, or other reasons without it being considered a sin. It's important to consider and respect individual choices and circumstances in matters of reproduction.

Is being careless a sin?

The concept of whether being careless is a sin can vary depending on one's beliefs or religious teachings. In some belief systems, actions done out of carelessness that harm oneself or others could be considered sinful, as they go against principles of responsibility and consideration. It is important to reflect on the consequences of our actions and strive to act mindfully and responsibly.

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Did you know you are poor because you are a sinner and rich people are not sinners since they are rich so stop being a sinner and get you some money?

Nothing about your statement is true. Jesus' Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 3:23 and I quote, "All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God". Jesus himself was poor, as were most of his followers. The fact that you are rich or poor has no bearing whatsoever on your sinfulness. Poor people sin and so do rich people. The fact is that every human being that has ever been or ever will be born will sin. What you need to do is turn to Jesus for forgiveness of that sin and do all in your power to sin no more. And as Jesus himself said to the adulterous woman, "Neither do I condemn thee, Go and sin no more".

Is being emo a sin?

It's not a sin anymore

Is it a huge sin to stop being a nun?

Is it a huge sin to stop being a nun? Of the Roman Catholic Church? No. It is not a sin at all.

What is the style for the poem living in sin by adrienne rich?

fregrative language

Is being a lesbian a sin or even thinking about it?

No. Being a lesbian is not a sin, nor is thinking about being a lesbian (or lesbians in general).

To born poor is not a sin but to die poor is a sin?

No. Being poor is not a sin, though laziness that leads to poverty is what is a sin.

Is cheating a sin?

Yes cheating is considered a sin. Cheating on a test or to any other person is a sin because by cheating you are being dishonest. Being dishonest is just like lying. And lying is a sin.

Is it a sin to be this animal?

being an animal is not a sin, God created all animals

What are examples of sinful social structures?

A structural sin refers to the wrongs that is done to a given society. Poor peasants being driven out of their land by the rich tycoon is an example of the sinful social structures.

Is being a perv a sin?

no its awesome!

What is being rich all about?

Money, that's what's being rich is all about.

What is the first sin of human being?

The first sin was in the garden of eden by Adam and eve.