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On whether King Herod ever tried to kill Jesus, Ian Wilson (Jesus: The Evidence) has this to say:

"And this lack of confidence extends to aspects such as Matthew's story that King Herod was so anxious to kill the infant Jesus that he ordered the slaughter of all recently born children in the hope of eliminating Jesus ... Josephus, who never shrank from cataloguing Herod's crimes, has no mention of such an atrocity, yet had anything like it occurred it would surely have rated among the best-remembered of Herod's misdeeds."

And in the view of John Shelby Spong (Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus), neither birth story, in Matthew and Luke, contains any historical truth.

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5d ago

Yes, according to The Bible, King Herod ordered the slaughter of all male infants in Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the infant Jesus after the wise men had visited. However, Jesus and his family fled to Egypt and escaped Herod's plan.

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Q: Is it true that King Herod tried to kill Jesus?
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King Herod. He killed all the baby boys in Bethlehem to be sure he killed Jesus but he didn't know that The Holy Family had fled to Egypt.In what is referred to as the "Massacre of the Innocents", King Herod (also known as Herod the Great or Herod I), decreed that all young male children in the vicinity of Bethlehem be killed, which would have included Jesus if Mary and Joseph had not fled to Egypt.

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In an attempt to kill the infant Jesus, Herod the Great, king of Judea, sent envoys to massacre all baby boys in Bethlehem. History records numerous events that took place "in the days of Herod the king," events that throw light on the context of Jesus' life and ministry. (Matthew 2:1-16)

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