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Only One SIN - Blasphemy, Is unforgiven. But as for as all other sin is concerned One sin is no greater or less than any another The price we pay for all sin is the same..... DEATH God loved us so much he gave his son to die for our sins so we don't have to and if we believe this we will have eternal life.

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2d ago

In Christianity, sins are typically categorized into venial sins (less serious offenses that do not completely separate one from God's grace), mortal sins (serious offenses that completely separate one from God's grace), and original sin (the sinful nature inherited from Adam and Eve).

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14y ago

In Latin Catholicism (IE the Western expression of the Catholic Church), sin is traditionally divided into two - "venial" sin and "mortal" sin.

Mortal sin comes about when three conditions are met:

  • Objectively serious matter - this is not down to personal opinion, the Church says what is serious matter. But some things are obvious, murdering your Granny for example.
  • Full knowledge - the individual knows that what they are doing is serious.
  • Free consent - The individual knows that what they are doing is serious, but goes ahead and does it anyway.

Venial sin comes about when any one of those three are not met. For example:

  • Thinking something is serious does not make it serious.
  • Not knowing that something is serious does not make the action any less serious, but reduces their culpability.
  • Being coerced in anyway, either by another individual or by force of addiction etc, reduce the culpability.

In terms of it's implication, when an individual sins mortally, they put themselves outside of the Church. This means that they ordinarily should not receive communion, and need to formalise their reunion by going to confession. When an individual sins venially, they may simply ask for forgiveness, and trust in God's mercy.

Both types of sin are forgivable - though they are ordinarily forgiven in different ways (sacramental confession to a priest vs. personal confession).

Clearly there are degrees even in this - murdering your Granny is a more serious sin than missing Mass on a Sunday - but even though they are not equally serious, the Church classes both as serious matter.

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