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Greek Orthodox Christians (which is what I assume you meant by "the Greeks") celebrated Easter on April 27th in the year 2008.

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Q: What date do the Greeks celebrate Easter in 2008?
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Orthodox Easter is the date when Eastern Orthodox Christians throughout the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year, Orthodox Easter is on 27 April 2008, according to the Julian Calendar. The Western Christians (Catholics and Protestants) now use the Gregorian Calendar to calculate their Easter. Orthodox Easter is also known as 'Pascha' in Greek, and has continued to be celebrated in the same way by Orthodox Christians for over 2,000 years.

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Easter Sunday has only fallen on April 23rd in the year 2000 - between 1950 and 2008. Previous to 2000, Easter Sunday fell on this date in 1905, 1916 and 1848. Easter Sunday is not due to fall on this date again until the year 2079.

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Spiritual BirthdayYou could celebrate your spiritual birthday on either day. but since the date of Easter Day changes, it probably makes more sense to celebrate it on April 12th every year.

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There is no specific date for Easter

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In 1943 It fell on April 25th. (and will fall on April 25 in 2038 also). BTW The earliest date Easter can fall on is March 22 (which happened in 2008).

What date was march break 2008?

it depends on what your school is but usally its march 10-14 before easter

How do most people celebrate Easter's and when?

Each country celebrates Easter in a different way. Easter is most countries is celebrated on the same date (April 24, 2011). On Easter people go to church and have parties and stuff like that. Also kids find eggs and eat chocolate bunnies.

What is the duration of lent in 2008?

Lent for Western Christians (Catholics, Protestants) ends on 22 March, since 23 March 2008 is the Western date for Easter. Lent for Eastern Orthodox Christians starts on 10 March and ends on 26 April, since 27 April 2008 is the Orthodox date for Pascha/Easter.