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There is nothing "metaphysical" about this. It simply means that something must have killed them.

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Q: What is the metaphysical meaning of dead crickets?
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Do box turtles eat crickets when the cricket is alive or dead?

In the wild they obviously eat them alive, ive had box turtles and they have eaten dead crickets but this is rare so i recomend alive.

What do you do if your gecko is being eaten by crickets?

Well, you can remove your crickets and you can either get dead crickets or even feed them worms. But make sure you do not get super worms because they have teeth and if one gets out, it could be bad.

Do crickets eat cactus?

No they will eat vegetable material and some rotting substances including animals.

What is the symbolic meaning when a cricket is in your house?

Crickets symbolize good luck.

What is the metaphysical meaning of faith?

People have faith in many different types of things, and their faith may or may not have any metaphysical meaning. If I have faith that Barack Obama will make wise decisions as President, that is not metaphysical. If I have faith that the universe was created by God, that is a form of metaphysical faith. Faith may or may not be well placed. It is equally possible to have faith in something that is true, or in something that is false. In either case, you will believe. Having faith spares you from uncertainty. It is a way of settling issues for which no definitive evidence may exist. Metaphysical issues are often of this type. If you don't want to conclude that you don't know, you can always accept some metaphysical claim purely on faith. That is your privilege.

Are crickets autrophic or heterotrophic?

Crickets are detrivores. These are animals that eat dead animal or plant matter. These are invertebrate like snails, grubs, crickets and mites.

Is a water cricket a omnivore?

Water crickets will eat any other insects that are in the water with them. They have also been known to eat parts of other water crickets who are injured or dead.

Can bearded dragons eat dead crickets?

Yes, they can. But WILL they?... :) Yes, sometimes they will. Those that have freshly died can support it. Those that have been dead for a while will provide no nutrition, and should be thrown away. However, you should not make it's diet out of dead crickets, because uneaten one will gather Bactria and spread disease. And, the crickets that died may have died of un- healthiness. P.S. I am indeed an experienced owner.

Metaphysical in a sentence?

Metaphysical events are the subject of many television shows. There are three metaphysical book stores in my area. I purchase some of my essential oils at the metaphysical store downtown.

Are dried dead crickets worse than or better than live crickets for feeding leopard geckos?

You can feed them either, but they like the chase of live ones so I would choose that.

Do crickets live in dead leaf litter?

Crickets are type of insect , similar to grasshoppers , include a large number of known species which live in various habitats including leaf litter .

Does metaphysical statements seem meaningless to you?

Metaphysical statements can be difficult to verify or falsify using empirical evidence, leading some to find them unclear or lacking in meaning. However, for those who find value in exploring questions about the nature of reality and existence beyond the physical, metaphysical statements can offer profound insights and stimulate philosophical inquiry.