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A person who practices abstinence as a spiritual discipline is commonly referred to as an ascetic.

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Q: What is the name of a person who practices abstinence as a spiritual discipline?
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A person who practises abstinence as a spiritual discipline?

Such a person could be called an ascetic. You might also used the word eremite, the root of the word hermit.

What does the spiritual discipline of Japa involve?

The spiritual discipline of Japa involves repetitive meditation of mantra. Mantra meaning name of a divine power. Sometimes this task involves only one person alone and can also be preformed as a group. Sometimes props such as beads are included.

What is abstinence and what are the effects of practicing abstinence?

Abstinence - is the act of a person choosing not to participate in a certain activity. This can be something like... not drinking alcohol, or not having intercourse before marriage.

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is abstinence

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Disciple is the person as to Discipline is a controlled action given to or done by a person

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Hindu religious teachers called as uppathiayar-krishnan Aacharya

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The spiritual leader was the shaman, medicine man, holy man or whatever the tribe's name for him was. They do not "call down the spirits". Instead they ask for their guidance, often walking the spiritual path . They were the keepers of the spiritual practices and path. Often they were the herbalist healers, but not necessarily. We do not discuss who is a medicine person among our tribes to people outside the tribes.

What is renewed abstinence?

Renewed abstinence is when a sexually active person decides to become abstinent again. This can be for religious, moral, or many other reasons. Some people refer to it as "second virginity."

What was Ultima's occupation?

Ultima was a curandera, a traditional healer and spiritual guide in the Chicano culture portrayed in the novel "Bless Me, Ultima" by Rudolfo Anaya. She used her knowledge of herbs, prayers, and spiritual practices to help those in need and to bring balance and healing to the community.

Different between psychic reading and spiritual reading?

Psychic readings and spiritual readings are often confused with each other, but they are two distinct practices that offer different types of guidance and insights. Psychic readings typically provide information about the future, the past, or the present, based on a person's energy, aura, or intuition. Psychics may use tools such as tarot cards, crystals, or pendulums to help them tune into a person's energy and provide guidance. A psychic reading often aims to provide insight into a person's life, help them make decisions, or offer guidance on specific issues they may be facing. On the other hand, spiritual readings are focused on connecting with the divine or higher power, and are less concerned with future predictions. Spiritual readings are often used to gain clarity about one's purpose in life, connect with deceased loved ones, or seek guidance on how to live a more meaningful life. Spiritual readings may incorporate practices such as meditation, prayer, or energy healing to help individuals connect with their spiritual selves and the divine. In essence, psychic readings are more focused on the tangible aspects of a person's life, while spiritual readings are more focused on the intangible aspects of their being. Both practices can offer valuable insights and guidance, depending on what the individual is seeking. It's important to remember that each person's experience with these practices can be unique, and it's up to the individual to decide which approach feels most helpful and aligned with their needs.

Can you give me a sentence with the word discipline?

Disciple in a person is characteristic by which he can be judged. This is a sample sentence containing discipline.