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You may be looking for the term "cloistered," which means sheltered, secluded, or away from the world.

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The practice of living as a monk is called monasticism. Monks typically live in communities, adhere to strict rules or vows, and dedicate their lives to spiritual and religious pursuits.

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What was a monk's life filled with?

A monk's life was typically filled with prayer, meditation, study, and manual labor. They followed a strict routine that revolved around spiritual practices and communal living in a monastery. Monks dedicated themselves to seeking enlightenment and serving their community.

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A chief monk is typically referred to as the abbot. The abbot is responsible for leading a monastery or temple, overseeing the spiritual practices of the community, and providing guidance to the resident monks or nuns.

What ranking is a monk?

A monk has no ranking, and is not part of the church heirarchy. It's a way of living.

What do a gender monk called?

A male monk is called a bhiku. A female nun is called a bhikuni.

What is the chief Monk called?

I beleive that the most senior monk in any monastery is called the Abbot, regardless of their religion.

What is the name for a monk's hood?

A monk's hood is called a cowl.

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Shaolin monastery is a Chan Buddhist monastery located on Mount Song in China. The monks there practice their own form of Kung Fu, which is an quite strange for any Buddhist monk, since we try our best not to inflict pain or harm to any living being.

What is a monk and where did they practice their faith?

Hey they practice their faith in a Buddhism temple. So, they can medatate and all kinds of stuf.

What is an English monk called?

If you mean, "What is a monk called in the English language?", the answer is indeed "monk". If you mean to ask "What are monks of the Anglican Communion are called?", the answer is the same. They are called monks and mainly follow the rule of Saint Benedict.

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He is a hairdresser.

What is a monk's Bible?

The only one I could find is a cookbook called 'Perl Monks Cookbook.' Of course any Bible used by a monk would be called a 'monk's Bible.'