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Accountability. When you have a group of seasoned, mature people, or a church overseeing you, you are covered by prayer and watchfulness so you are actually covered by the Lord according to His order. The Lord always had people or groups accountable for individuals. Some examples are Moses over the children of Israel, priests over the general public like Aaron, Jesus over the disciples, and Paul over those he was training. I hope this answers your intended question. Thanks.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10h ago

Covering can symbolize protection, modesty, or a sense of reverence. It can represent the idea of shielding oneself or others from negative influences or energies, as well as showing respect or humility in the presence of something sacred or divine. In some cultures and religions, covering can also be a symbol of devotion or submission to higher powers.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it is to show that you are under authority and have protection

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