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I am Catholic and I know I do.

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Some other religions that observe fasts during certain festivals include Islam (Ramadan), Judaism (Yom Kippur), and Hinduism (Navaratri). Fasting is often seen as a way to purify the body and spirit, and to show devotion and discipline.

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Q: What other religious which observes fasts during certain festivals?
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What religious festival-importance and problem?

Diwali, an important Hindu festival, signifies the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. One problem associated with Diwali is the excessive air and noise pollution caused by fireworks during the celebrations.

Where did Pilate live?

Pontius Pilate lived in Judea, which was a Roman province in the ancient Middle East. He served as the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from 26 to 36 AD. His official residence was in Caesarea Maritima, although he also spent time in Jerusalem during religious festivals.

Which two religious groups were in contact before and during the mughal empire?

Hindus and Muslims were the two religious groups in contact before and during the Mughal Empire in India. The Mughal Empire was known for its policy of religious tolerance, and the interactions between Hindus and Muslims led to the rich cultural and architectural developments during that period.

How were the religious policies of Aurangzeb different from his predecessors?

Aurangzeb implemented more conservative religious policies compared to his predecessors. He enforced Islamic law more strictly, imposed jizya on non-Muslims, and banned certain Hindu practices. This led to increased tensions and religious conflict during his reign.

What was the religious movement called during the 1920's?

One significant religious movement during the 1920s in the United States was the rise of Fundamentalism, which emphasized a literal interpretation of the Bible and a strict adherence to traditional religious beliefs. This movement was a response to Modernism, which sought to reconcile religious beliefs with new scientific and intellectual developments.

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What religion observes by refraining from work and attending a synagogue?

Judaism during the Shabbat and major festivals. On weekdays there are prayers but work is permitted.

Where are kimonos worn?

Kimonos are traditional Japanese garments typically worn for special occasions and formal events such as weddings, tea ceremonies, festivals, and traditional ceremonies. They can also be seen on formal occasions in Japan or as a fashion statement at certain events.

What other religions fast during certain festivals like muslims do?


How often did performances in Greek theatre take place?

During and part of the periodic religious festivals.

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Just in Southern Hemisphere is summer

How is the rigveda used?

Rigved is one of the early Holy scriptures of the Hindus. Parts of it are recited as prayers and during festivals and religious occasions.

Why were masks worn during religious ceremonies?

Answerto represent certain gods or spirits in a certain belief system during religious ceremonies-the dancer wearing the mask supposedly became that spirit or animal

What are the sacrifices done during festivals?

Before jotting down a few words it will be benevolent for us to first categories festivals There are Religious festivals, National, community and international festivals. Sacrifices are made for the pleasure for inner scruples. Goats are normally sacrificed in almost all the religions, communities national and internationally. Nawabzada Shajee Nawab

What happened at the Roman theatre?

The Romans loved live theatre. Plays were only performed during religious ceremonies and religious festivals. However, since the ancient Romans celebrated over 200 holidays a year

Where are hot air balloons seen during festivals in North America?

Hot air balloons can be seen over several major cities during festivals, depending on the festival. For example, hot air balloons will travel over Atlanta and New York City during certain key events.

What are the disadvantages of celebrating festival?

the disadvantages of celebrating festivals are that during festivals people play cards ,drunk and loss money. people waste the money during festivals.

How old did women have to be to dance in ancient Rome?

They didn't have to be any certain age; anyone could dance. Dancing was most popular during festivals such as the Saturnalia.