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The descendants of the Canaanites would include many of today's Palestinians and Sephardic Jews. They have light brown skin and black hair.

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They hailed from the province of Cannan, they had tanned skin and looked very simular to people who live in the Middle East today. (People of middle eastern decent).

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Q: What race of people were the Canaanites?
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Who was the father of the canaanites?


What did the Canaanites do to Israel?

The Canaanites were the inhabitants of the land that the Israelites conquered as they entered the Promised Land. The Canaanites worshipped idols and practiced various immoral behaviors that went against the laws of God, which ultimately led to their destruction by the Israelites.

Why did the Canaanites welcomes God family?

The Canaanites welcomed God and his family due to their polytheistic beliefs. They saw the God of the Israelites as one of their many gods, and they welcomed him as a guest deity with other gods in their pantheon. Additionally, hospitality and offering sacrifices to gods were common practices in ancient cultures.

Describe the appearance of the Canaanites?

The Canaanites were a diverse group of people with various physical characteristics. They likely had a Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance, with a mix of Semitic features such as dark hair, olive skin, and brown eyes. Due to their location at the crossroads of ancient civilizations, Canaanites may have also exhibited traits influenced by neighboring populations.

Why did the Hebrews believe Canaan was their promised land?

A:The biblical reason for this is that God promised the land of the Canaanites to their forebears. The real reason is surprising! Archaeologists and scholars have ascertained that the Israelites were actually Canaanites themselves, and had migrated from the region of the rich coastal cities, to settle peacefully in the hitherto sparsely populated hinterland - they had not come out of Egypt to invade and conquer the Canaanites at all. Centuries later, after the Hebrew people had long forgotten their real origins, they created legends of their supposed ancestors, their sojourn in Egypt and the conquest of Canaan, just as this tradition says that God told them.

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What race is the Ammorites in the Bible?

If you're referring to the אמורי, they were Canaanites, descended from Ham (Genesis ch.10).

What is the race of the original people of Israel?

The majority of them were genetically very similar to the human one. If you are referring to the supposed skin coloration of the Israelites and Canaanites, the current peoples of the region are a relatively good indicator.

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Were the Israelites the first group of people to settle in Canaan?

They were the first people after the Canaanites.

What was the Canaanite ethnicity?

A:The Canaanites were a semitic people and part of the North-western Semitic subgroup. For clarity, scholars often prefer to call the people Western Semites, rather than Canaanites. Scholars now say that the Israelites were themselves Canaanites, despite a later tradition that they were outside invaders.

What did the Moabites and Canaanites look like?

I know the canaanites looked like Black Afrikan people as they were a Hamitic people (Canaan was the youngest son of Ham). The Moabites from what I can understand, had tan to yellow skin and slanted eyes (Chinese).

Who did the Hebrews fight in canaan?

The Canaanites (Though there is a school of thought that says the hebrews didn't fight the Canaanites, but that they WERE the canaanites.)

If God wished to do away with the idolatry of the Canaanites why did He not appear to them The Israelites practices idolatry before the Ten Commandments were given to them?

because the canaanites were not God's chosen people, therefore, why should he appear to them?

What is the name for the ancient people and civilization that lived in the Land of Canaan?

First the Canaanites, then the Israelites.


Canaanites. The Jews

Who was their new leader who lead them into a victorious battle against the canaanites the people they found living in their homeland?
