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The two religions that still remained strong are Confuciaism and Taoism.

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2d ago

Confucianism and Daoism were the two religions that remained strong in China when Buddhism was introduced. Confucianism emphasized moral values, social harmony, and filial piety, while Daoism focused on living in harmony with the principles of nature and achieving balance in life. These two belief systems continued to coexist with Buddhism in Chinese society.

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Confucianism and Taoism

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Q: What two religions remained strong when Buddhism entered china?
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What are the major Universalizing religions?

The major Universalizing religions are Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. These religions strive to appeal to all people and are open to followers from any background. They often have a strong missionary component and seek to spread their beliefs globally.

What is the meaning of tranditional religions?

Traditional religions are belief systems that have been practiced for generations and are based on established rituals, texts, and teachings. These religions often have a strong community or cultural aspect and play a central role in shaping the values and beliefs of the followers. Examples of traditional religions include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism.

Is New York tolerant of other religions?

Yes, New York is known for its religious diversity and tolerance. The city has a wide range of faith communities and religious institutions, and people of different religions live and work together harmoniously. The state also has strong legal protections to prevent discrimination based on religion.

How were the incan and Aztec religious practices similar?

Both the Inca and Aztec religions were polytheistic, with a pantheon of gods and deities. Both civilizations practiced ritual sacrifices to appease their gods and ensure prosperity for their people. Additionally, both religions placed a strong emphasis on nature and the spiritual connection between humans and their environment.

How were the Aztec and Inca religions the same?

Both the Aztec and Inca religions were polytheistic, meaning they worshipped multiple gods. They also believed in rituals and sacrifices to appease their deities and maintain harmony in the universe. Additionally, both civilizations placed a strong emphasis on nature and its connection to their spiritual beliefs.

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What are the religions in China?

Primarily Buddhism, also Daoism and Confucianism (though these are more general cultural practices and less institutional/spiritual). The main religions are Buddhism and Christianity. The Christians in China are persecuted and meet in houses instead of church buildings, but there are an estimated 60 to 70 million Christians in China.

Did the old religions of the Roman Empire lose their vitality causing Christianity to spread?

No, the old religions and cults still remained strong among some members of the empire.They were so strong in fact, that in 380 AD Tehodosius I had to order that all people under his rule embrace Christianity.

What are the two religions practiced today in japan?

There are many religions practiced in Japan. The two largest are Buddhism and Shintoism, with a majority of Japanese incorporating both into their lives. Religion is not as strong a part of the the daily life of the people as it can be in other parts of the world.

What two religions still stand strong in China?

Buddhism and Daoism remain the strongest religions in China. Confucianism includes elements of ancestor worship and therefore can be regarded as a religion, although it is not as strong as formerly. There is also a strong Muslim presence in western China.Christianity is making inroads, while Falun Gong is possibly the fastest growing religion in China.

When Judaism and Christianity arrived in China what two other religions stayed strong?

------------------- The first reliable evidence of Christian missionary activity in China is found on the famous Nestorian monument - erected in 781 and rediscovered in 1625 - with its lengthy and informative inscriptions in Chinese and Syriac. It states that a certain Alopen arrived in the Tang dynasty's capital of Chang'an (now Xi'an) in 635 during the reign of Emperor Taizong (627-649). This was a period of remarkable cultural openness and religious tolerance. The native religions were Daoism and Confucianism, but foreign creeds such as Christianity, Buddhism, and to a lesser extent Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Islam were welcomed. By all accounts, Nestorian Christianity thrived in China for a long period, but Daoism and Confucianism, as well as the underlying folk religions, remained strong.

What other religions still remained strong?

Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism is for scholars, only!!!! Taoism is for people other then scholars. Scholars are not aloud to study Taoism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the Religion in South East Asia?

Southeast Asia has a mix of religions ranging from Buddhism (which is very strong in Burma and Thailand) to Islam (which is very strong in Malaysia and Indonesia) to Christianity and Chinese Faiths (more common in Vietnam).

What religion did they use Daoism?

Taoism is not a religion, but a way of thought. It originated from the folk religions and understanding of ancient China, the Yin and Yang, and the older concepts found in such places as the I Ching. It has had a strong influence on many East Asian folk religions, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Confucianism.

How is it possible that Shintoism and Buddhism coexist as Japan's two major religions?

Opinion: Buddhism is a Philosophy of Ending Suffering and does not require worshiping any Deities. Shintoism is a polytheistic and animistic religion. Combining the two makes follower of his/her religion a better adherent and tolerant of other faith.NovaNet --> Shinto is a more flexible religion, so it doesn't conflict with Buddhism.

What is special about Bhutan?

Bhutanese culture has a strong sense of unity as well as a strong identity. The combination of its traditional costumes, its many festivals based on Buddhism, and its choice of architecture and style is a good part of what makes it unique.

Which culture is most responsible for Buddhism?

This depends of the form of Buddhism you're talking about. Early Buddhism came from India, and so has strong Hindu roots. Mahayana Buddhism was most popular in China, and has very strong Taoist elements. regional forms of Buddhism - particularly Tibetan Buddhism and Japanese Zen - are often influenced by local religious traditions.

Do people today still practice Buddhism?

Yes. Buddhism has about 500 million followers throughout the world. Many others incorporate some aspects of Buddhism into their lives even if they follow other religions. In some countries in the western world Buddhism is the fastest growing religion.