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Missionaries were monks who spread the good news to people in every land.

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Q: What were monks who spread the good news to people in every land called?
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What is a group monks called?

There is no known special name for a group of monks. A monk is a singular term and when multiple monks are present an "s" is added to make the word monk plural which is monks.

Why were benedictine monks called black monks?

Benedictine monks were called black monks because of the color of their traditional black robes or habits. The term "black monks" was used to distinguish them from the Cistercian monks, who wore white robes and were known as the "white monks."

How are medieval monks different to missionaries?

Medieval monks were typically members of religious communities who focused on prayer, study, and manual work within monasteries, while missionaries were individuals sent by a religious group to spread their faith and convert non-believers. Monks lived a contemplative, cloistered life, while missionaries traveled extensively to share their religious beliefs with different cultures and societies.

How many monks are in an Abbey?

There are so many varities of religions that have monks that it would be impossible to know the answer to this question. First you would have to know every religion that has monks and then you would have to get accurate information from the headquarters from every one of them. Some of these religions are in inaccessable parts of the world.

A Name for monks in 1066?

In 1066, monks were commonly referred to as "brothers" or "friars." They dedicated their lives to prayer, meditation, and service to their communities within monasteries or friaries. Their role was central to religious life and education during this period.

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Monks who spread the good news to people in every land?

the monks of the ndongo congo

Who were the monks who spread the Good News to people in every land?


What ideas did monks help spread across Europe?

Monks help spread Christianity across Europe.

How did medieval monks spread Christianity?

Medieval Monks spread Christianity by many different techniques. Now, if you are talking about Medieval Monks in Europe, then they spread Christianity by telling others mostly. There is a website all about Medieval Monks below.

What two groups of people largely responsible for the northern spread of Christianity?

Monks and missionaries

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How did monks and nuns spread byzantine influence?

Monks and nuns spread Byzantine influence through their missionary work.

What did monks of the zagwe do?

spread Christianity

What are monasteries and monks?

Monks are religous people living in groups in a place called a monastery, they grow their own food.

What did monks of the Zagwe help do?

spread Christianity

Monks who spread the good news to barbarians?


Who is monk?

monk is not a he its a or the monks. monks are the praiser of there god or spirit the monks of the Christan live at the cathedral so do Buddha monks! almost all religions have monks. heres an example of monks and every thing..... praiser>monk>priest.