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Any one that used to believe in a religion that has the devil as one of it's characters

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Some people believe in the existence of the devil, also known as Satan or Lucifer, in various religious and spiritual traditions. These beliefs typically portray the devil as a malevolent entity opposed to good and associated with temptation and evil. However, beliefs in the devil vary across cultures and religions.

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Does lady gaga believes in devil?

I'm not sure if she does or not but since she believes in god many she does.

How can one sell his soul to the devil?

No one would wish to sell his soul to the devil unless, first of all, he believes the devil exists, then believes that the devil has the power to offer something of value in return. The crazy thing is that someone who believes the devil exists also believes that nothing that could ever be offered in this life would be worth an eternal price. In other words, the very notion of selling one's soul is no more than a myth. Wikipedia says a deal with the devil is a cultural motif, best exemplified by the legend of Faust. Wikipedia explains, "The person offers his or her soul in exchange for diabolical favours. Those favours vary by the tale, but tend to include youth, knowledge, wealth, fame, or power."In summary, it is only a Faustian myth that people can sell their souls to the devil.

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A:If atheists worshipped the devil, they by definition would not be atheists. An atheist is a person who believes there is no God and no devil, nor any other supernatural beings. An atheist believes that reason tells them that no religious belief is founded on fact.

The idea of selling your soul to the devil in order to gain something is only possible in a society that believes in what?

The idea of selling your soul to the devil requires belief the devil exists, then belief that the devil has the power to offer something of value in return. The crazy thing is that someone who believes the devil exists also believes that nothing that could ever be offered in this life would be worth an eternal price. In other words, the very notion of selling one's soul is no more than a myth. Wikipedia says a deal with the devil is a cultural motif, best exemplified by the legend of Faust. Wikipedia explains, "The person offers his or her soul in exchange for diabolical favours. Those favours vary by the tale, but tend to include youth, knowledge, wealth, fame, or power."In summary, it is only a Faustian myth that you can sell your soul to the devil, not an idea that has always existed in Christian societies.

Did Obama ever believe in the devil?

Part of Christian teaching says that the devil exists. Being that Obama is Christian, he probably believes in it.

What is Rihanna's religon?

If you mean "What is Rhianna's religion?" then it is christian-protestant. She also believes in the devil, she believes that she sold her soul to the devil to get a good music career and says you have to take risks in life- it's way to short.

Do Nicki believes in the devil?

Belief does not mean follow, so whomever Nicki is, it is not likely.

How does tom react to the devil and his offer?

Tom walker rejects at first but then gives in. He believes he can cheat out the devil. This shows his interest in only personal gain.

Can bringing requests to the devil help you get them?

You can bring whatever requests you like to the devil, but he will never grant them, because he does not really exist. The crazy thing is that someone who believes the devil exists also believes that nothing that could ever be offered in this life would be worth an eternal price. In other words, the very notion of a deal with the devil is no more than a myth. Wikipedia says a deal with the devil is a cultural motif, best exemplified by the legend of Faust.

Can you sell your soul to devil?

You would not wish to sell your soul to the devil unless, first of all, you believe the devil exists, then believe that the devil has the power to offer something of value in return. The crazy thing is that someone who believes the devil exists also believes that nothing that could ever be offered in this life would be worth an eternal price. In other words, the very notion of selling one's soul is no more than a myth. Wikipedia says a deal with the devil is a cultural motif, best exemplified by the legend of Faust. Wikipedia explains, "The person offers his or her soul in exchange for diabolical favours. Those favours vary by the tale, but tend to include youth, knowledge, wealth, fame, or power."In summary, it is only a Faustian myth that you can sell your soul to the devil.

How do you make a deal with Satan at home?

The crazy thing is that someone who believes the devil exists also believes that nothing that could ever be offered in this life would be worth an eternal price. In other words, the very notion of doing a deal with the devil is no more than a myth. Wikipedia says a deal with the devil is a cultural motif, best exemplified by the legend of Faust. Wikipedia explains, "The person offers his or her soul in exchange for diabolical favours. Those favours vary by the tale, but tend to include youth, knowledge, wealth, fame, or power."In summary, it is only a Faustian myth that people can strike a deal with the devil, at home or elsewhere.

Does Trent reznor believe in god?

Trent Reznor has stated that he grew up in a Lutheran household, and that although he believes in God, he does not have a religion. With this background, it is likely he believes there is a devil, but he has never specifically said.