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According to the Official Creed of the Shakers ( just ignore the advertising) celibacy was practiced as a form of obedience to Christ's example of celibacy. Overcoming "lust" and remaining a virgin allowed the believer to remain pure from that particular sin while he/she lived on earth and furthered their work towards perfection. You can read the book of all of Mother Anne's teachings at that website. Interestingly, fatherhood and motherhood were held in high esteem and Shakers often adopted orphans who would then be raised in a mixed-gender household, with a "mother" and "father" and "aunts" and "uncles." Many sociologists believe that the reason for the slow extinction of the Shakers comes not only from the practice of celibacy but also from changes in laws so that religious groups were no longer allowed to adopt orphans. For an in-depth, scholarly view of the Shaker's, you can read about them here:

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Shakers believed in celibacy to focus on spiritual growth and to uphold the ideal of purity. The practice of celibacy led to a decline in their population over time, making it difficult for the Shaker community to sustain itself. However, there are still a few practicing communities today.

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Q: Why do shakers believe in celibacy and was that the reason they are in non existence?
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What does antheist mean?

An atheist is someone who does not believe in the existence of gods or a higher power. Atheists typically rely on reason, evidence, and science to understand the world around them.

Who are anthiest?

Atheists are individuals who do not believe in the existence of any deities or gods. They reject the idea of a higher power or divine being and instead base their worldview on reason, evidence, and science.

What are the characteristics of deism?

Deism is a religious and philosophical belief that asserts the existence of a supreme being or creator, but does not involve itself in the daily affairs of the world. Deists believe that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of God, and that organized religion, rituals, and dogma are not necessary for a relationship with the divine.

What is a athest?

The term "atheist" refers to a person who does not believe in the existence of gods or deities. Atheists typically rely on reason, science, and empirical evidence to form their beliefs about the world.

What theory maintains that the universe exist and appears for some reason and is an argument for the existence of god?

The theory that maintains that the universe exists for a reason and argues for the existence of God is known as the teleological argument or the argument from design. This argument posits that the intricate design and complexity observed in the universe suggest the existence of an intelligent designer, which is often equated with God.

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Who is carol from the play shakers?

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