

Best Answer

Globalization is going very important in context to

maximization of profit and Good will as well, every

company or organization have a directly or indirectly

influence with other organization of different

countries, every country have different norms,

culture, religion etc so the managers should have a comprehensive knowledge of religion and culture as

well of others one to communicate well in context of

trade etc For example:McDonald & KFC are engaged in their

business activities in different countries and in each

country they are performing their duties under their

laws, religion, culture and norms.

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Management students study about religion to understand how it impacts organizational behavior, ethical decision-making, and diversity in the workplace. Religion can influence leadership styles, conflict resolution strategies, and employee motivation, making it important for future managers to have knowledge in this area. Additionally, as organizations become more global, understanding different religions is key to effective cross-cultural management.

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Continue Learning about Religious Studies

What words means study of the religion and religious ideas?

The word that means the study of religion and religious ideas is "theology." It involves critical analysis and interpretation of religious beliefs, practices, and traditions.

Theology is study of what?

Theology is the study of the nature of the divine, religious beliefs, and the practice of religion. It often involves exploring questions related to the existence of God, the meaning of life, and the interpretation of religious texts and traditions.

What about religion do you think should and should not be permitted in public schools?

Religion should be permitted in public schools in an academic context, such as through the study of world religions for educational purposes. However, promoting or advocating for a specific religion should not be allowed in public schools to maintain separation of church and state. It is important to respect students' diverse beliefs and ensure a neutral, inclusive learning environment.

What can the government not do with regards to religion in school?

The government cannot sponsor or promote specific religious practices in schools, coerce students to participate in religious activities, or show preference for one religion over others. Additionally, public schools cannot teach religious doctrine as objective truth or require students to pray in a particular manner.

When did Studies in Comparative Religion end?

Studies in Comparative Religion ended in 1997, after publishing 25 volumes since its inception in 1967. It was a prominent academic journal focusing on the comparative study of religion.

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