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Q: Ball python is it legal to own a ball python in the state of Minnesota?
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Related questions

Is it illegal to own a ball python in the state of California?

no its legal

Is it legal to own a ball python in Arkansas?

no unless you have a license

Can you have a ball python in mn?

As far as I know, there are no laws pertaining to reptiles at all in Minnesota.

What is a white ball python called?

A white ball python could be any of the white pythons. Those are the Blue-Eyed Leucistic Ball Python, Ivory Ball Python, Hypo Ivory Ball Python and the Piebald Ball Python.

How many species of ball python are there?

None. Ball python is the species. There are currently no recognized subspecies of ball python, either.

Is there such thing as a bull python?

The ball python is only one type of Python. As I don't know which other type of python you're asking me to compare the ball python with I can't really answer your question...

What is the difference between a ball python and a bald python?

A pied bald python is a morph pattern found in Ball python that is being breed in captivety.

What stronger ball python or a viper?

Probably a ball python, because they are constrictors and a viper is not.

What does the name Ball Python mean?

Ball pyhton means royal python. It has got his name by curling into a ball when they are stressed.

What should a ball python eat?

You should feed your baby ball python frozen pinkies, your middle-aged python frozen mice, your aged python, live mice!

What is the classification of a Ball Python?

The scientific classification of the ball python or royal python is:Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataClass: ReptiliaOrder: SquamataSuborder: SerpentesFamily: PythonidaeGenus: PythonSpecies: Python regius

What is ball python in latin?

Python Regius, which translates to "Royal Python," its original name.