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No, sea turtles have lost the ability to pull their heads back into their shells, and the Pleurodires or "Side-Necks" instead have a spine that bends sideways, allowing them to turn their head until it's halfway hidden by the shell.

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10y ago

Not all turtles can completely retract their heads into their shells. The Side-necked turtle turns its head to the side rather than retracting it. The various Galapagos tortoises can retract their heads but the large size of the opening doesn't afford much protection.

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Is it true that sea turtles cant stick there head in there shell?

No, they can't. Unlike their land-dwelling relatives, they can not pull their heads or flippers into their shells. Sorry all who thought they could, but you're wrong. Unfortunately.

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What do turtles do?

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Turtles have two lungs, one left, one right.

If you have ten matches how can you take one away but still be left with ten?

snap one in half. leaving the match head. you take away the stick leaving the 10 match heads perhaps?

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One thing that you can catch from turtles is mycobacterium.

How many turtles are in the US?

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Where do short neck turtles live?

Every turtle is endangered including aquatic turtles and the other land turtles. All the turtles that live in the sea are definitely endangered by mostly all of the fishing nets. Aquatic turtles are endangered from people disturbing them or even destroying their habitat. If people really love turtles they should adopt one and keep them in captivity to try and make them not endangered anymore.Short neck turtles are endangered along with all the other turtles that exist. You can stop making turtles endangered by telling people to stop with the fishing nets and make more people adopt them to bring them in captivity and make the turtles live their hole life. Every 10 minuets their is one turtle dying from something like habitat disturbance or those fishing nets. Make a difference, do the right thing and if you can adopt one to prevent them to die and make turtles not be endangered.