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Yes; In Brazil villagers often keep tame tapirs. But they are large, and although usually docile when accustomed to people from a young age can have aggressive outbursts. Also they are large and strong animals. Some countries may have laws against the keeping of wild animals like this as pets. But it is certainly not impossible.

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Yes, tapirs can be pets, but keeping them in the US is banned. In Brazil, having a tapir is normal.

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Q: Can you have a pet tuatara?
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Can you have a pet tuatara and why?

No. Tuatara are protected animals, and may not be kept as pets.

What do you call a baby tuatara?

There is no particular name for a baby tuatara. Newly hatched tuatara are called hatchlings, and tuatara that are not yet adult are simply called juvenile tuatara.

Is a tuatara a dragon?

No. Iguanas and tuatara are quite different species. Whilst both iguanas and tuatara are reptiles, the iguana is a type of lizard, whereas the tuatara is not classified as a lizard.

What Vertebrate group is the tuatara in?

The tuatara is a reptile.

How much is a tuatara lizard?

A tuatara is not a lizard, and it cannot be purchased. Though lizard-like in appearance, this reptile is not classified as a lizard. Being endangered, and now extinct on the New Zealand mainland, it is not available to be purchased to satisfy one's whim to have an unusual or exotic pet.

How many species of the Tuatara are there?

There are only two species of tuatara: The Northern tuatara (Sphenodon guntheri) and the Brothers Island tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus).

Is a tuatara a mammal?

No, Rhynchocephalia is not a subset of Mammalia. The tuatara is a reptile.

When was Tuatara - comics - created?

Tuatara - comics - was created in 1977.

Which is faster ssc ultimate aero or ssc tuatara?

SSC Tuatara; 272 mph; Ultimate aero; 268mph. TUATARA WINS

Which is faster bugatti veyron or SSC tuatara?

100% ssc tuatara is faster than bugatti ....tuatara 275 mph bugatti me...see the video of speed between bugatti and ssc tuatara...

Does the tuatara live in or near the Sarawak river?

No. The Tuatara is found only in New Zealand.

Is a tuatara a fish?

No. The tuatara is a unique reptile which looks like a lizard but is not classified as a lizard.