Both Alligators and Crocodiles do the 'death roll'. All 23 species of Crocodilians can only open and close their mouths, and cannot move them from side-to-side like you or I, so have to do the 'death roll' in order to dismember their prey, as they can only eat their food whole.
Death, spiders, cancer, snakes, crocadiles etc. There alot of them.
Old age? If you are not sure check on Wikapedia! Alligators live for 60 yrs. in the wild and 80 yrs. in captivity
Alligators stalk their Pray while under water. When an animal goes to that body of water the alligator will grab the animal and pull it in the water then it will death roll until the animal is dead.
The death roll.
a coyote,hunting dog,lion,tiger,puma,and unfotunatly a hunter.):
yes crocodiles are reptiles.
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crocadiles live in the water