to keep themselves warm at night. so you need to put a lot of that sand with calcium in it
Noooo! you can not keep any other lizards with bearded dragons, bearded dragons need to be kept alone
No bearded dragons need lots of room
No, bearded Dragons eat a lot less in the winter. Because they do not need much food due to hibernation!
Bearded Dragons DO NOT need to swim ! They are a DESERT species - native to central desert area of AUSTRALIA ! The only time they need to be anywhere near water - is to drink !
They need about 18 inches from front to back, and about 1.5 metres from left to right. The more space they have, the bigger they will get.
They need daily feeding of fresh vegetables, greens and insects.
bearded dragons come from Australia. they are used to the dessert so that means they need it hot and dry to be happy. If u are looking for a substrate I suggest reptile carpet it is safer than sand.
Not really...I have two at the's not necessary but it's nice to have a second one.
No ! They need completely contrasting living conditions ! Bearded Dragons need dry, arid conditions, Frilled Dragons need a humid environment. They would never encounter each other in their natural habitats - therefore should never be housed together !
You don't ! Bearded Dragons are DESERT species - they would NEVER encounter a shower in the wild - they get almost all the moisture they need from their food !