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Yes, they do.

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Q: Do green sea turtles travel hundreds of miles to return to their home island?
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Do turtles travel?


What do you do after you get the Island Medallion for time tangled island?

After you travel back to the future to get the Island Medallion, return to the present to leave the island (just as you did after completing the items), by using the Lab selection on the time device.

Why are turtles appearing everywhere?

That travel through the ocean and turtles have babies

How do loggerhead turtles travel?

they swim

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How many turtles travel together?


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How does turtles travel?

On their legs, but not very fast.

What do you do after you complete time tangled island?

Use the time device to return to the Lab again and use the blimp to travel to other islands.

Where do sea turtules travel to?

Sea turtles migrate to specific areas depending on what species of turtle. Green sea turtles migrate along the coasts from nesting to feeding grounds. However, some swim across the Atlantic Ocean from the Ascension Island to the Brazilian coast.

How do you make sure the future is ok on Time Tangled Island?

When you return an item on Time Tangled Island, the time device shows "green" for that time (there may still be objects to come from there). When all times are green, travel to the Lab (12 o'clock. the present). Use the Future Machine to travel to the restored future and get you Island Medallion.