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Loggerheads occupy three different ecosystems during their lives--the terrestrial zone, the oceanic zone, and the "neritic" zone. Loggerheads nest on ocean beaches, generally preferring high energy, relatively narrow, steeply sloped, coarse-grained beaches. Immediately after hatchlings emerge from the nest, they begin a period of frenzied activity. During this active period, hatchlings move from their nest to the surf, swim and are swept through the surf zone, and continue swimming away from land for about one to several days. found at Hope this helps!

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16y ago
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7y ago

They are found in mostly U.S. waters. I believe they are found in other waters as well.

Answer2: It is the ultimate ocean boulevard," reports The Sunday Times of London. "Beneath the waters of the Pacific is a marine motorway stretching from California's golden beaches via Hawaii to the rocky shores of Japan." Jeff Polovina, a marine biologist in Hawaii, has recently discovered and mapped this route by tagging whales, turtles, tuna, dolphins, and sharks. The highway is rich in plankton, which serves as food for crabs, jellyfish, and squid. These, in turn, provide abundant food for the long-distance travelers. Loggerhead turtles, described by the newspaper as "the jet-setters of the reptile world," nest in Japan, develop off the coast of California, and commute between the two. In winter the ocean route shifts about 600 miles [1,000 km] southward, running from Southern California to the South China Sea.

JEREMIAH wrote about the migrating stork over 2,500 years ago. Today, people still marvel at creatures that migrate, such as salmon, which can swim thousands of miles in the ocean and return to the stream where they were born, and leatherback sea turtles, which also make incredible journeys. One that nested in Indonesia was tracked as it migrated 13,000 miles [20,000 km] to the coast of Oregon in the United States. Leatherbacks often return to the same area of Indonesia to nest again. 3/2010 Awake pg 9

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14y ago

Loggerhead sea turtles have what is called a cosmopolitan distribution, which means that they are found all over the world. However, they don't live in the polar regions. That doesn't mean that they are doing well, though, because they are still endangered.

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9y ago

Jellyfish do live in the neritic zone. The neritic zone is part of the ocean and extends inshore at high tide.

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12y ago

no they do not they live in corral reefs

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13y ago

Yes they do.

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