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YES!!!!! a komodo dragon has so many bacterias that it will rott your flesh off in two days time. so i would stay away from them!!!!!

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14y ago
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12y ago

Komodo dragons have small teeth, as they have no need for ripping and tearing.

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11y ago

Yes it does

that is how they catch their prey

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11y ago

They do have teeth. Lots of razor sharp, recurved teeth to grip and slice flesh.

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6y ago

Yes, they tear their food apart. From what I understand their bite is lethal because their mouth contains so much bacteria.

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12y ago

yes komodo dragons have teeth

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Do komodos have teeth?

yes komodo dragons have teeth

What are komodo dragons teeth used for?

Komodo dragons use their serrated teeth for ripping wounds in the flesh of their prey. They then drip the venom from gaps between their teeth into the wound to soon kill the prey.

Komodo dragons prey?

Komodo dragons are predators, not prey. The bite of the Komodo dragon delivers a powerful venom which actually thins the blood, increasing blood flow and creating a state of shock in the victim. The sharp, serrated teeth of a komodo dragon are used to open a gaping wound in its prey, enabling the venom to flow easily.

Why do komodo dragons in Komodo island?

habits of komodo dragons

How komodo dragons hunt buffalo?

Komodo dragons seem to hunt, when they are hungry. But I watched a television show just recently, and some people believed in that particular country that when a Komodo Dragon attacks a human it is normally their destiny. I particularly like the Komodo Dragon, even though it has a poisonous tongue and vicious claws and tails.

How sharp or long is teeth of the Komodo Dragon?

about two inches long

How does the komodo dragons defend their self by their enemies?

it can rip a persons head with it's sharp claws

What do komodo dragons do not eat?

Komodo dragons eat monkeys and other komodo dragons, but they do not eat fish.

Is there komodo dragons in Victoria?

There are no komodo dragons in Victoria.

Do komodo dragons have horns?

Komodo Dragons do not have horns.

What is a komodo dragans predititor?

There are none known to hunt Komodo dragons. Komodo dragons are at the top of their food chain, so to speak. The only thing that hunts komodo dragons are other komodo dragons.

Do adult komodo dragons eat baby komodo dragons?

yes when baby komodo dragons are born they run up trees so they don't get eaten by them so yes adult komodo dragons do eat baby komodo dragons