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It depends on the veins in your tongue, depending on where they are, there have been cases where people haven't been able to get that piercing.

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Q: Do snake eye tongue piercings hurt?
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Do snake eye tongue piercings hurt and does it bleed?

yes it does hurt and it does bleed. i just got mines done a few hours ago. sorry to break it to ya but if your thinking aboutgettin it, make sure you can take it. im pretty tough i have my vagina pierced but im telling you it hurts i actually cried and yelled. the secnd needle hurts worse. the first one is to pierce it and the second is the actual piercing. yu wont be able t swallow your spit for a few, i kept spitting it up and the blood was so much. i havent ate yet, it hurts to much to even try to just drinking alot -if you want you can get a "scoop"/ "Snake eyes" its actually a surface piercing, so its just one bar horizontally placed through your tongue, it gives the appearance of having two vertical piercings, i bled a lot, but my piercer said it was rare, im just a bleeder i guess and it didnt hurt anymore then biting on your tongue slightly. it is prone to rejection and migration like most surface piercings.

What piercing would suit me best?

To answer this question, you really need to define what you look like. Eye piercings and bellybutton piercings I think are quite ugly, but that's my opinion. I think ear piecings look nice, and they don't hurt as much.

Which piercing would you look the best with?

Personally I think lip piercings and eye brow piercings are gross. I want nose piercing, cartilage (which is the upper part of your ear) and double pircing on my ear lobe. I think they look the best. Tongue piercings are also ok but I would never get one. Also naval (belly button) piercings look nice I think, especially if you u were bikinis or half shirts and are skinny.

Which heals faster the tongue or the eye?

the tongue

How the snakes smell?

They flick out their forked tongue to gather molecules form the air and then draw the tongue back into the mouth over their organs of taste/smell in the roof of their mouths.

Why do people get eye brow piercings?

they like how it looks?

How many piercings does Amy lee have or did have and where are or were they all?

Amy has two ear piercings and her left eye brow pierced

What side should nose and lip piercings be?

straight in the eye

How can Elizabeth Gillies eye brow piercings be fake?

Nope. It's fake piercings.

What are the ratings and certificates for In the Eye of the Snake - 1990?

In the Eye of the Snake - 1990 is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:12

Did Teddy Roosevelt's eye get hurt ' eye get hurt?

yes in a boxing injury

What is the eye and tongue examples of?
