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Yes. An adult will shed its skin every 6-8 weeks. A baby will shed throughout its growth cycle. Sometimes as often as every 2 weeks. It will also do an entire body shed. As they get older and their growth slows down the frequency will lessen. An adult will only shed a couple of times a year and it will not usually be a full body shed, but different parts at a time.

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15y ago
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15y ago

shedding is normal when your dragon is growing. He may be cranky and not want to be petted or held. try to avoid snuggling while he isshedding. The best thing to do is to soak your dragon in warm chest deep warm water.

warnings: do not leave dragon unattended while soaking

and do not try to peal back any of the shedding skin because it could damage the skin underneath.

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15y ago

They will shed a lot while they are growing. When they have reached full size, they will shed less, but expect them to shed their skin two or three times a year.

When they are shedding, it is ok to remove skin that is already hanging off, but do not pull skin from a bearded dragon's body. It can damage the new skin underneath and cause infections.

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13y ago

as most reptiles do bearded dragons shed when thay grow as i have 2 baby beardies they grow alot more when they young mine are 1and a half months old so they nerley always are shedding it dose not hurt them as log as you DO NOT peel it of for them

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15y ago

beardies shed their skin because their skin doesnt grow with them...its like a snake. their skin becomes tight as they grow larger so therefore their skin will shed!.

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15y ago

bearded dragons do shed, there skin goes gray/white and after a while it starts to shed!! but DONT PULL IF OF IT IT ISNT READY TO! IT CAN CORSE EXTREMILY BAD PAIN FOR THE LIZARD!!

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14y ago

The amount of time it takes can very mine usually takes about a week. you can speed it up by misting your Beardy while he is shedding. Hope this helped.

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14y ago

Absolutely - it's part of their normal behaviour. If you'd done any research before buying a reptile - you'd have known that.

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15y ago

They shed their skin to grow

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Q: How long does it take for bearded dragons to shed their skin?
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How long does a bearded dragon skin shed last?

Bearded dragons tend to not shed all their skin at once. Usually, they are always in some state of shedding.

Do bearded dragons shed around the lips?

Yes they do ! They periodically shed their entire skin.

How long do bearded dragons shed?

Adult Beardies usually shed once a month. Beardies are constantly growing and unlike humans their skin doesn't grow with them so they need to shed it like a snake. It takes them awhile to shed as their skin comes off in patches unlike a snake that sheds all in one.

How does the growth of bearded dragons differ from other reptiles?

Bearded dragons grow at a faster rate compared to many other reptiles. They reach their full size within 1-2 years, while some reptiles can take several years to reach maturity. Additionally, bearded dragons have a unique shedding process where they shed their skin in patches rather than all at once like some other reptiles.

Do Komodo dragons shed their skin or scales?

Komodo Dragons are reptiles. Reptiles do shed their skin fairly regularly. The skin of a reptile is scaly and tough. This is for protection. Komodo Dragons are the largest lizard in the world.Assuming you mean 'Komodo' dragon - yes it does. A kimono (for future reference) is a piece of clothing typically worn by people of Japan.

What do bearded dragons do when they molt?

First off they don't molt they shed :) Their skin will peel off much like a snake's does and they will have brand new skin underneath. They do this because their skin doesn't grow with them like a human's does so they need to get rid of the old stuff so they can grow in size.

Why do bearded dragons get dead scales?

A beardies skin does not grow like a humans. Instead they shed it much like a snake does. Instead of shedding all at once though a beardie will shed sections of their bodies at a time. For example in my beardies last time she shed her tail, back legs and back then waited for a week and shed her front legs and head.

How often do Komodo Dragons Shed their Skin?

All lizards shed their skin once in a while and so does the komododragon.

Why do bearded dragons go really thin?

The same thing that causes other reptiles to shed - they're growing ! Reptile skin doesn't stretch as it grows (like human skin does) so, periodically, they need to ditch the old skin in favour of a new one growing underneath.

What are the signs of shedding of a bearded dragon?

Its very normal for a bearded dragon not to eat while shedding...BUT if this behavior continues, and just never eat or there is a dramatic change in behavior it could be a possible sign of a illness. A good sign for shedding is the skin will actually get a white film like look over the skin. It'll look different from different parts of the body because he will not shed all at once, they are not like leopard geckos, Bearded dragons shed in stages. Remember a bearded dragon doesnt need assistants of pealing of the skin..when the skin is ready to come off, your beardie will try to scratch at it or even rub that part of the body somewhere rough.So please do not peel any of the skin off, UNLESS you see at the tip of the toes (the nails) if you see skin there that just wont come off in a long period of time that's the only time you may help, because that can lead to blocking off the blood flow

Are baby bearded dragons compatible with baby leopard geckos?

well baby beardies like to climb on each other and their long claws could damage the leopard geckos skin. so I wouldn't

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A leopard gecko typically takes about 1-2 weeks to shed its skin.