Not enough information is known to tell the exact quantity of food which Tuataras consume on a daily basis but we do know what they consume. It seems to be that they are mainly insectivores and thus they would eat a large quantity of these to satisfy the daily requirement of survival. They do however also eat frogs, other lizards and the young offspring of birds.
One interesting fact to note is that there is evidence to suggest that Tuataras have a slower metabolic rate so this may influence how much they have to eat. However, as I said earlier, no study has been able to study Tuataras long enough and on a large enough sample to conclusively say how much food Tuataras eat.
offshore newzealand.
They live in buts!
If you mean Tuataras, the native lizards, no one is certain how old they can get, but on an average around 80 years.
Humans are affecting tuataras primarily through habitat destruction, introduction of predators such as rats and cats, and climate change. These factors threaten the survival of tuataras by reducing their available habitat, increasing predation pressure, and impacting their ability to regulate body temperature. Conservation efforts are being implemented to mitigate these impacts and ensure the long-term survival of tuataras.