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Not very long. Maybe a week or so. If you have one you should feed it bugs once a day to keep it happy.

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14y ago

2 big bugs about their head size everyday

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Q: How often do you feed a anole?
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first of all its anole and second of all yes, you can feed it crickets and tiny worms if the anole is big.

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No. Anoles eat insects. If you have a pet anole you can feed it crickets, which are commonly sold for that purpose at pet stores.

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It is as long as it's not too much, you don't want to overfeed the lizard.

What is an anole's basic needs?

Mist the sides of the cage once or twice a day, make sure you feed it- You can feed it any insect that fits in its mouth , or banana or peach baby food..... Thats kinda it.

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Anole - comics - was created in 2003.

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